This 77-year-old believes everyone should, "be concerned about another COVID-like onslaught.” His best advice: get in the best shape we can, and have our own health bundles on the ready. Do you have an early treatment kit?
Dr. Ryan Partovi never expected to become a specialist in the treatment of COVID. After successfully treating his Dad, he used FLCCC protocols to help other patients. He went on to do hospital rescues, even going on to testify in court about the power of ivermectin.
Early treatment success! Maureen explains why she attended the FLCCC Conference and how using ivermectin for treating COVID early ensured her and her family made a swift recovery.
Christy and her husband got COVID. Fortunately, she had ivermectin on hand because she had ordered online from overseas. They both got through COVID fine, but then Christy lost her hearing in her right ear. Watch her unusual ivermectin story now.
"When the hospital discharged Dee, she objected as she felt too ill to go home. She was told they couldn't help her and that they didn't have any treatments for COVID. That was pretty upsetting since this is the hospital I retired from after 23 years, and where Dee volunteered for 25 years!"
“Recently a close friend of ours returned from a ministry trip in Zambia with congestion, fatigue, and a nagging cough. Following a bible study meeting at his house, my wife became sick with the same symptoms approximately four days later. Soon I developed the same symptoms which I suspected were actually COVID.“
When her 83-year-old Mother-in-Law got ill, the family started ivermectin. They were amazed at how quickly it helped her recover. A short MyStory that illustrates the power of ivermectin and early treatment.
As soon as COVID symptoms hit, she immediately started taking ivermectin. Her doctor had her take it for 10 days.
COVID-19 remains a highly preventable and treatable condition and the ill-advised plan to encourage vaccine boosters lacks medical justification, further eroding the public’s trust in our public health authorities.
Because Bob was in the very high-risk category, Sharie and Bob researched alternative treatments for COVID and that led them to the FLCCC. They were ready! Or, as Sharie and Bob explained, they were "locked and loaded." Watch their positive MyStory.
When you have successfully followed advice from alternative medicine since the 1970s, and you catch COVID before it was even known about, you treat early! Elderberry syrup, oscillococcinum, Vitamin C capsules, a bit of a menthol chest rub, and ample fluids... Watch this lovely lady's story now.
Suzanne and her husband moved up to the I-CARE protocol when they got COVID. Healthcare professionals berated and blamed her.
Some of Lyrr and her husband Gerald’s friends and family thought they were reckless in not getting the shots, relying instead on a "horse dewormer." Watch their story now.
John knew he was on his own regarding COVID when his doctor said, "If Your Lips Turn Blue, go to the Emergency Room."
Len’s very happy he ordered Ivermectin when he did because it's been impossible to purchase any in Belfast for some time now. He was prepared when COVID hit. Watch his story now.
A Retired Critical Care RN sickened by the media perpetuating a supposed death sentence for immunocompromised people while actively working to suppress information on the efficacy of early and safe treatment, Cathy took charge and prepared her family for COVID.
Too Little, Too Late lays out the scientific reasoning behind a key point FLCCC physicians have stressed since 2020, that steroids can be an effective treatment for COVID-19 if prescribed as part of early treatment.
From Scared to Prepared: Maureen lost her nephew to COVID and was scared for herself and husband. Fortunately, they prepared with ivermectin.
Being very overweight, diabetic and with high blood pressure, Aram was very concerned when he got COVID. He knew all about the FLCCC protocols. In his view, they saved his life, twice.
What an amazing protocol -- Evanit and Rubin contracted COVID. It hit them hard, but as soon as they tested positive they started taking the protocol. In a matter of 24 hours their situation took a big turn for the better!
Though she’d share her name without a second thought, her spouse could lose his job were it to become public that he has unvaccinated family members. She is a follower of the FLCCC protocol though, and was prepared when her vaccinated spouse caught COVID at a 'Restriction Exemption Program' compliant work function.
Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory join Betsy Ashton to talk about the rise in Flu, RSV and COVID-19, and how you can prepare your family for them.
Gina held a family party in July. When nearly everyone got COVID, Gina relied on FLCCC protocol therapeutics and all recovered by day eight.
Debbie has controlled Crohn's disease and Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis. She is choosing to remain unvaccinated until there is more safety data about COVID-19 vaccines. On a trip to Las Vegas in August of 2021, she contracted COVID and successfully treated early using the FLCCC protocol.
Dr. Marik was on Newsmax' America Right Now with host Tom Basile (September 10, 2022) to discuss treatment and prevention of COVID-19, a new ivermectin study, attacks on physicians and repurposed drugs and more.
Andrea started her family on the I-MASK+ protocol, (now updated as I-CARE) as soon as her husband tested positive for COVID, she shares how this led to mild symptoms and a quick recovery for all four of them.
Roberta Amley is 78-years-old, and took the initial warnings about COVID seriously. She’s followed Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik’s work for the last couple of years and listened to the Wednesday night FLCCC webinars. Roberta was prepared if COVID came along. And it did. Watch her story now.
John is a retired public school teacher. After 30 years of high-energy work and 10 years into retirement, he was well prepared.
Pam wasn’t about to be bullied by her primary care physician. She believed in her healthy immune system and the FLCCC protocols. Watch her lovely story now.
I Chose to Believe Science Over Fauci. Dyllis prepared with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in her "Just-in-Case" COVID kit.
Lindsay confirmed she had COVID with a rapid test. She started ivermectin on Day 2 and recovered fully. This is her MyStory.
James was prepared with the recommended early treatment protocol and when he and his wife caught COVID twice, they recovered quickly without ever having to see a doctor. Watch his MyStory.
With six coronary stents and a pacemaker, COVID was a big risk for Bob. But he was prepared, and was able to treat himself early. Watch how he took COVID head on.
In this case report from Poland, hear how Piotr started by helping a colleague's husband in May 2021, and how — by Feb. 2022 — he had assisted over 100 more.
Once Cheryl confirmed that she had COVID, she started on the FLCCC protocols. Cheryl has a history of asthma and cardiovascular disease, but she was able to treat and recover at home, here's her MyStory.
Here we are in May 2022. We made it through the “winter of death.” The springtime birds are singing, the sun is shining and we’re feeling hopeful… So let’s briefly take stock of how things are looking, shall we?
Brenda shares with us why she decided to use the FLCCC protocols, even though her family members chose not to when they all contracted COVID. Though she has a number of comorbidities, she had very mild symptoms and credits the protocols and ivermectin to her swift recovery.
Watch as Matt explains how he kept a diary of his COVID experience and believes that early treatment is the key to beating COVID.
For this week’s webinar, we opened the floor up to the audience for Q&A on Paxlovid, ivermectin and a lot more
Jan Roseman tells her story about contracting COVID-19 and how using FLCCC protocols she and her husband were able to make a quick recovery.
Dr. Keith Berkowitz, an internist and founding member of the FLCCC talks to The Epoch Times about symptoms of long COVID and how to treat it.
Sharida and her husband were "double-vaxed" when the family got COVID. They immediately started the I-MASK+ protocol and everyone recovered.
Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonologist and the President at the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, says that the public is not aware that there are doctors across the country who will provide Telehealth and early treatment for COVID-19.”
Elizabeth and her husband, both in their 60's, came down with COVID in the end of July. Neither had been vaccinated and Elizabeth's husband also has diabetes and high blood pressure. Following the FLCCC protocols and taking ivermectin 5 days after being exposed, Elizabeth and her husband credit their treatments for allowing them to recover so quickly.
Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory talk about different countries that have been effective in keeping their COVID cases low, continue to discuss the importance of early treatment, and answer questions about the omicron variant. Additionally, Executive Director, Kelly Bumann takes viewers through a year in review with the FLCCC.
Dr. Pierre Kory says more states should follow FL example of offering early treatment and promoting nutrition and effective repurposed drugs.
Appearing on The Balance, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Robert Malone discuss early treatment and prevention of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccines.
"Our Government and Health Agencies do not Talk Early Treatment"
On November 2, 2021 Dr. Pierre Kory appeared on Steve Deace Podcast. Steve starts the program by laying down the law on why conservative media, personalities, and politicians must act in unison to defeat Covidstan. Then, Pop Culture Tuesday explores the sad, cautionary tale of one Colin Kaepernick. In Hour Two, Dr. Pierre Kory joins the program to discuss the importance of having an early treatment plan in place for COVID-19.
Just In Case COVID Kit and the Importance of Early Treatment is the focus of this week’s FLCCC Weekly Update. Hosted by Betsy Ashton with our own Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik, they discuss fluvoxamine, the FLCCC protocols, and take questions from viewers. Our guest speaker Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, a Board Certified Endocrinologist from Brazil, shares the success he is having with his patients using FLCCC protocols and having ivermectin being publicly available as an over the counter medication.
Patti Koopmans came down with COVID-19 in November. She was prescribed steroids because of a pre-existing respiratory condition, but when her symptoms began to worsen, her doctor prescribed ivermectin. Within eight hours of taking her first dose, “I felt 100% better!” she said.
A cheap medicine saved Ellen when she was diagnosed with COVID Pneumonia in November, 2020. She came across the COVID Care Protocol and obtained a prescription for Ivermectin. The morning after taking her first dose, she woke up fever-free for this first time in two weeks and quickly recovered.Soon thereafter, her mother who has a terminal illness came down with COVID. Ellen obtained a prescription for ivermectin for her as well. Her mother recovered in four days. This is their true story.
Academy Award winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. tells his personal story of surviving COVID after learning about an effective repurposed drug.
“The Covid Hunter of Houston” Dr Joseph Varon says he has adapted a treatment protocol that has given his Covid-19 patients a 95% chance of recovery.
Dr. Varon’s Remarkable Success in Treating COVID-19: "Local hospital using experimental drug treatment in hopes of saving lives of COVID-19 patients.”