Independent Medical Alliance

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Empowered Patients Making a Difference

Dan Vine shares the light of independent research and hope. He and his wife, Kathy, have followed FLCCC since the beginning. They kept up with the webinars and information on the website, shared protocols with family and friends, and sourced ivermectin from India to help prevent and treat COVID.

December 7, 2023|Blog, Latest Updates|

COVID Protocols Updated

FLCCC updates COVID protocols, I-PREVENT: COVID, Flu and RSV and I-CARE: Early COVID Treatment, with multiple additions of new second-line therapies including Lactoferrin, Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and Coffee.

December 5, 2023|Latest Updates|

Treatments with A Global Reach

Dr. Mario Jimenez Shares The Light of access and care.  Where would we be without our FLCCC family? We are all in this together and are blessed that so many in our community are dedicated to improving the daily lives of others.  They give back, pay forward and help out in countless ways large and small every day.

November 30, 2023|Blog, Latest Updates|

Share The Light 2023

FLCCC is a light in the darkness for people around the world. Over the past three years, people have come to trust us as a critical resource for health information, rigorously-vetted data, and easy-to-understand guides. We are lighting the way for honesty and transparency in medicine and are dedicated to advocating for the rights of doctors, patients, and YOU and your health.

November 28, 2023|Blog, Latest Updates|

You Had My Trust… and You Blew It

If you haven’t yet realized that COVID was little more than a big, fat, criminal test of human conformity, gullibility, and susceptibility–, no offense but* you might want to schedule an EEG to make sure your cerebral cylinders are still firing.

June 14, 2024|Blog|
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