FLCCC News Capsule 1-21-24

COVID exposed many problems in the healthcare system. The cracks were showing before COVID, but now they could not be more exposed.

So…how do we begin to repair our broken medical system?

That’s one of the big questions we’re raising with the FLCCC Army in attendance at our upcoming FLCCC Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on February 2-4, 2024.

Fixing our broken healthcare system must be approached with the urgency it requires—and it is the subject of a panel discussion segment at our wide-ranging educational conference — welcoming both providers and patients. The panel discussion will be led by FLCCC founders Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, along with FLCCC board member Dr. Chris Martenson and Mary Holland, president of Children’s Health Defense.

Here are some of the key healthcare issues they’ll be emphasizing:

  • Problem 1: Repurposed Drugs are Being Suppressed
  • Problem 2: Public Health Institutions Approve & Promote Unsafe Products
  • Problem 3: The Medical Narrative Has Been Corrupted
  • Problem 4: Medical Journals Have Been Infiltrated
  • Problem 5: There is an Underemphasis on Preventative Care

“It’s really a conference of empowerment, inspiration, and like-minded people getting together. That’s the premise of the meeting. It’s not a protest meeting. It’s what we can do to be proactive, to improve the healthcare of our patients,” said Dr. Paul Marik, Chief Scientific Officer of the FLCCC.

“We’re really looking for solutions,” added Dr. Pierre Kory, FLCCC Chief Medical Officer.

→ What Healthcare Professionals Will Experience: Together we’ll explore the science behind complex conditions like long COVID, long vax, cancer, and other chronic diseases, and discuss the many treatment and prevention options that exist. Through lectures, case studies, and discussions, you’ll learn from leading experts in a variety of fields, including neurology, oncology, integrative medicine, and more.

→ What Patients and Health Enthusiasts Will Experience: Gather with like-minded people from across the world, learn from leading medical experts and health freedom advocates, meet healthcare professionals, and take charge of your health and well-being!


🌵Come join us this February to be part of the solution! WE ARE NEARLY SOLD OUT…so act now! We can’t wait to see you there!🌵

FLCCC News Capsule #2 1-21-24

In an absolutely astounding, data-driven essay on Substack, our Dr. Pierre Kory and investigative journalist/author Mary Beth Pfeiffer set out to answer the question of why maternal deaths across the USA rose sharply in 2021.

“Coinciding with the Delta wave and advisories for pregnant women to get vaccinated, maternal Covid Deaths rose 321 percent from 2020 to 2021 while all Covid deaths rose 20 percent,” wrote Kory and Pfeiffer, who worked with a programmer and an actuary to analyze the CDC’s 2021 maternal mortality report. “[In the report], of the 1,205 mothers who died in or within forty-two days of pregnancy in 2021, 429 had Covid-19 on the death certificate as either the primary or a contributing cause—a 321 percent increase in Covid pregnancy deaths from the first wave in 2020. By comparison, total Covid deaths in the United States rose a relatively modest 20 percent—one-fifteenth as much as in pregnant women.

“Yet, as of November 3, 2023, the CDC was still advising women that ‘Studies including hundreds of thousands of people around the world show that COVID-19 vaccination before and during pregnancy is safe, effective, and beneficial to both the pregnant person and the baby.’”

These maternal mortality cases — and other alarming data pointing to excess deaths and disability rolls due to COVID and the vaccines—have yet to be seriously investigated by government health agencies. Don’t you think the data is trying to tell us something?

What a despicable cover-up.

FLCCC News Capsule #3 1-21-24

FLCCC News Capsule #4 1-21-24

This article, written by Justus R. Hope, is aptly entitled, “Marik’s Miracle.” You really have to read the entire article to understand why Dr. Marik’s work has been—and forever will be— miraculous.

But in case you haven’t time right now to read the entire essay, here is an excerpt which explains what happened to Dr. Marik—and why despite sinister efforts to silence him and ruin him, he is still doing what he has done now for decades: Saving the lives of critically ill patients.

This excerpt has to do with Dr. Marik’s dismissal from his job after he started saving his COVID patients by using ivermectin.

“The powers that be had already decided upon deploying a vaccine under emergency use authorization. Allowing Dr. Marik to save his Eastern Virginia University Hospital ICU patients with Ivermectin would have spelled the end of that vaccine emergency use approval. So, in a politically and economically motivated assault, Dr. Marik was forced out of his position and career. To add further insult, he was pressured to resign his medical license.

A lesser man might have given up. But not Dr. Marik. Despite facing financial, personal and professional ruin, Dr. Marik focused not on himself, but on others. With laser-like intensity, Dr. Marik found his footing on what mattered most to him, saving the lives of others.

And with that fateful decision, the great Dr. Paul E. Marik made history by researching and publishing the solution for cancer, a riddle that has eluded almost all of even the greatest scientists who preceded him.

Dr. Paul Marik, who had been plunged into the deepest depths of despair, came roaring back with a purpose driven by divine inspiration. And now millions of lives are better for it.”

The author further writes that, “Dr. Marik has continued undeterred in his mission to save humanity. With unbridled passion, he researched the existing body of medical literature on cancer and repurposed drugs and published his masterpiece, Cancer Care, the most comprehensive book on the subject.”

Our pride, love and respect for the peerless Dr. Marik is incalculable.

FLCCC News Capsule #5 1-21-24

The esteemed Dr. Paul Marik was a guest this week on The National Desk (TND) for the inaugural interview of the FLCCC’s new communications partnership with TND.

Anchor Jan Jeffcoat spoke with Dr. Marik on the topic of intermittent fasting. Dr. Marik explained to the audience how intermittent fasting can benefit many aspects of overall health. Of special interest is its ability to help treat long COVID, long vax and even diabetes.

“With long COVID and long vax, the problem is that spike protein can remain in the cells for years afterwards, and the only way to get rid of intracellular spike protein is through intermittent fasting,” Dr. Marik noted. “Intermittent fasting activates a cellular process called autophagy, which helps the cell get rid of damaged and foreign protein.”

Dr. Marik also shared his journey using intermittent fasting — with diet and lifestyle changes — to treat his own Type 2 diabetes after living 25 years with the disease.

FLCCC News Capsule #6 1-21-24


Even if you’ve never signed an online petition before, this would be a good place to start.

Here’s why:

Dr. G. Umberto Meduri — a founding physician of the FLCCC and globally recognized as both the pioneer of noninvasive ventilation and the world’s premier expert on the use of corticosteroids in lung disease—was the director of the Memphis Lung Research Program (MLRP) at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center from 1988-2022.

Dr. Meduri’s own university (in collusion with other players, including Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals) blocked the progress being made at the MLRP of inexpensive and life-saving research on corticosteroids for acute respiratory Distress syndrome (ARDS) — while fully aware of the dire consequences to public health.

⚠️These actions at the University of Tennessee which began in 2001 are directly (and verifiably) responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of ARDS patients from 2002-2020; and millions more with COVID pneumonia during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.⚠️

If not for these actions, most patients with ARDS who perished around the world would have been saved — and the economy’s collapse during COVID significantly mitigated. (NOTE: Do you know anyone who died of ARDS in this timeframe?)

💊The FLCCC founding physicians have written a letter to you asking you to sign this petition and to call for a full-scale investigation into why over a million people had to die needlessly.

💊Read this timeline of events that led to the shut down Dr. Meduri’s lab and the unconscionable, unnecessary deaths that followed.

💊And please, please, please, share the link to this petition as far as humanly possible.

FLCCC News Capsule #7 1-21-24

FLCCC News Capsule #8 1-21-24

Our Dr. Paul Marik was joined by host Betsy Ashton and special guest Dr. Suzanne Gazda this week on the FLCCC Weekly Webinar to discuss how Intermittent Fasting (IF) improves cognitive function and overall brain health.

The doctors answered audience questions on IF and Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia and “Cognitive COVID” — new neurological issues that first present months after COVID infection.

Dr. Suzanne Gazda will also be a featured speaker at our third FLCCC Educational Conference, where she will be presenting on ‘Emerging Neurological Disorders: A Path to Solutions’.

Learn more, or register for the conference today by clicking HERE.


FLCCC News Capsule #9 1-21-24

FLCCC News Capsule #10 1-21-24

“To the people still choosing their own safety, security, and emotional comfort over saving lives and protecting freedom for posterity, it’s not too late to do the right thing—but someday it will be…”

Read our “Here’s a Thought” columnist Jenna McCarthy’s latest essay HERE. In it, she discusses why those who have witnessed the human devastation wrought by the COVID vaccines and other so-called “safe” therapeutics for COVID have not yet stepped forward to blow the whistle.

FLCCC News Capsule #11 1-21-24

On this week’s episode of Long (COVID) Story Short, our Dr. Been looks at an article from the University of Cambridge and asks:

What are the off-target proteins produced by mRNA vaccines? Can these proteins cause harm? What is the mechanism of their production? His review of these questions is enlightening.

After having COVID, Christy lost hearing in her right ear.

However, after taking ivermectin for three days, her hearing began to return. Just imagine her joy! Watch this uplifting MyStory now.