Dr. Pierre Kory will headline a rally in LA against what he calls “unethical mandates”. These include mandates over vaccines, natural immunity, physician autonomy, open scientific discourse/debate, and all the other crazy “s%$t” going on in society. (The verbatim is a kinder, gentler way of quoting Dr. Kory.)

WHEN: Sunday, April 10

WHERE: Los Angeles, Grand Park

WHAT: Live Music + Inspiring Talks

MORE INFO: DefeatTheMandatesUs.com

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The Kansas State Senate barely passed, 21 to 16, a bill known as the Off-Label Drug Bill! Called HB 2280, the bill has now been passed by the House and Senate, and allows for the prescribing and dispensing of off-label drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.


“Science has taken a back seat to prejudice and process. People are dying because many medical authorities say that therapies such as ivermectin do not work, while the actual clinical results suggest otherwise.”

The Cato Institute—a public policy research organization—takes a look at “Ivermectin and Statistical Significance” in this eye-opening article.

In his recent op-ed for the Washington Examiner, Dr. Pierre Kory argues that the White House’s COVID Plan needs to adopt a more holistic strategy including safe and effective generic treatments, along with a public campaign encouraging healthy behaviors. Early treatment is essential, but prevention is optimal.

The FLCCC Alliance Community
The White House’s New Recipe for Disaster
Despite war in Ukraine bumping COVID-19 from the headlines, the virus continues to spread. Shortly after former President Barack Obama…

Read more

Watch Rachelle Lédée’s story as she follows the FLCCC protocols and takes a double dose of IVM after coming down with COVID. She credits the early treatment protocols for her swift recovery and is happy to report she is back out running once again.

The Digger, @PhillyHarper, is at it again with a chronicle of the censorship that gave the WHO near total control over which COVID treatments and interventions could be discussed. “Society became totally dependent on one node in our network of ideas.”

“Because those critical of official policy were silenced, an illusion of consensus emerged.”

(NOTE: Objects in mirror may be even more distorted than they appear.)

During the pandemic, doctors have been intimidated and silenced by threats to their livelihoods if they prescribed off-label drugs for COVID—even if they discussed these “unapproved” therapeutics with their patients. But one by one, states are removing the barriers to these proven treatments and letting doctors be doctors.

On our March 23 Weekly Update, Dr. Robin Rose, a Functional Medicine physician in New York, and our own Drs. Paul Marik and Keith Berkowitz joined host Betsy Ashton for a not-to-be-missed discussion on how to maintain optimal gut health after COVID, post vaccination and…well…everyday! Definitely press “play” on this video if you missed it.

Limited edition swag!

Order now and be ready for the April 10th #DefeattheMandates event in L.A. T-shirts make a statement and pouches keep your stuff safe as we join together to stand up for patients’ rights and medical freedom! supportflccc.store #flcccarmy