Roberta Amley is 78-years-old, and took the initial warnings about COVID seriously. She’s followed Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik’s work for the last couple of years and listened to the Wednesday night FLCCC webinars. Roberta was prepared if COVID came along. And it did. Watch her story now.
Dr. and Mrs. Morros got Covid-19. Dr. Morros went to their local hospital for outpatient treatment with Regenron. He was admitted from the outpatient clinic after receiving Regeneron and after worsening symptoms. The hospital refused to allow Dr. Morros to receive ivermectin. Their daughter, Kristina Morros, flew from The Netherlands to the US to help her parents. Kristina is a nurse anesthetist and she helped nurse both her sick parents back to health with the I-MASK+ protocol at home in collaboration with a family member who is also a doctor. This is their story.