Heading into the holidays, our healthcare system faces a triple threat of COVID-19, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) at once. Many tools are available to manage these illnesses, but public health officials continue to push vaccines at the expense of other treatments.

As Dr. Kory writes in the Daily Wire, “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

For more than two years, FLCCC has approached the pandemic with an ethical ethos of medicine rooted in the welfare of humanity. Everyone in our network – physicians, clinical advisors, associates, staff, volunteers, patients, families, supporters, and colleagues – have banded together to defend the Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm’. While public officials continue to push failing policies and censor debate, we are working together to act. The FLCCC has already issued new protocols for navigating the triple threat swamping hospitals today – and it’s a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond just vaccines.

Dr. Kory’s article is a clarion call to physicians: More need to follow this example.

Among the key takeaways from the 2022 elections was voters yearning for a sense of normalcy. The populace wants to turn the page on the pandemic and the containment strategies that have been imposed upon us. For doctors, that means returning to a pre-pandemic mindset of applying critical thinking and pushing back on misguided protocols and policies — especially those offered up by bullying public health agencies influenced by profit-making entities. Politicians talk about putting America first — for doctors, patients must always come first.

The COVID-19 vaccines are the most acute example of how our public health system lost sight of patients. The federal government launched a mass vaccination effort with experimental products that had barely been tested, and now predictably there are growing concerns about their safety. It’s becoming clear that mRNA injections can weaken a person’s immunity and increase one’s susceptibility to dangerous diseases like heart problems and blood clots. Pfizer and Moderna are finally looking into the vaccines’ long-term health impacts that they and public health officials strenuously denied for two long years. It’s too little too late.

Dr. Kory continues:

Those who sounded the first alarms on the long-term dangers of the vaccines have been vindicated by solid, reproducible scientific data. Rigorous science doesn’t lie. So now we know that after being dismissed, the physicians and researchers who mustered the courage to speak truth to power were right all along. They put patients first, at great personal risk…

…We applied our patient-first principles and built a coalition of physicians, patients, and concerned citizens while fending off censorship and cancellation efforts. But as the world prepares to move beyond the COVID-19 emergency, our shared ethical ethos of medicine and its core imperatives — to act with morality, compassion, and integrity — must endure. In its embrace, one and all are welcome.

With the holidays upon us and another year drawing to a close, physicians across the country and throughout the healthcare system should take time to reflect on the challenges they face to putting patients first. They must honestly confront how the pandemic disrupted the practice of medicine and wreaked havoc in the provision of care — and resolve to move forward operating with the highest degree of medical integrity. Dr. Kory concludes:

It is time to open our hearts and loudly proclaim that patients must always be our priority — not power or profits. Isn’t it time to put patients — and all the citizens of the world — first?

You can read the full piece in the Daily Wire here.