Dr. Marik Joins High Noon with John Gordon
FLCCC Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Paul Marik, made his first visit to the High Noon with John Gordon show on April 22 to discuss the COVID-19 virus and the multiple vaccines.
A New Vision for Health Care
FLCCC Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Paul Marik, opens up to Dr. Joseph Mercola on what COVID-19 revealed about the medical system.
“The Spike”
"Dr. Paul Marik, the founder and chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, and the second-most-published critical care physician in the world, told Tablet that the only substance he’s aware of as toxic as the SARS-CoV-2 spike is cyanide. 'Cyanide kills you quickly, spike kills you over a prolonged period of time. It’s truly astonishing the things it does.' Marik thinks that spike is the primary driver of COVID’s virulence, which he saw firsthand while treating severely ill patients during the first wave of the pandemic. "
Dr. Kory Returns to the HighWire
Del Bigtree and Dr. Pierre Kory preview FLCCC's 2nd Educational Conference, "Emerging Approaches to Treating Spike Protein-Induced Diseases" set for April 28-29, 2023 in Forth Worth, Texas.
Dr. Kory Discusses “Shamdemic” Policy Lessons with Meg Ellefson
Dr. Kory and Meg Ellefson look back on the "shamdemic" policies of the previous three years and the lessons learned.
Dr. Keith Berkowitz Discusses Long COVID Management
Dr. Been interviews Dr. Keith Berkowitz on managing Long COVID symptoms and the most effective approach to treating Long COVID.
New York Daily News Publishes Dr. Kory Op-ed
Dr. Pierre Kory's latest article -- Empower Our Doctors for the Next Health Crisis: Congress Must Fund Medical Research and New Drugs, is featured as April 12, 2023 Opinion page lead.
PhotoBioModulation (PBM) Treatment for Long COVID
Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Yusuf (JP) Saleeby review Photobiomodulation (PBM) as a treatment for Long COVID on the DocSaleeby Rumble channel.
“The Vaccine Injured have been Abandoned”
FLCCC Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pierre Kory, visits The Jimmy Dore Show for the first time for an eye-opening and pointed interview on vaccine injury.
Is the Medical System Failing COVID Patients?
Dr. Paul Marik joins Bright Light News and discusses corruption in the medical system in an in-depth interview. "I think everything they told us [about Covid], like everything was a lie... Many of us didn't see it. I didn't see it...once you see it, and it's as bright as day, you can't unsee what you've seen," Dr. Marik said.