The Biggest Hoax in Medicine
"It’s impossible to talk about COVID without looking at our health care system. And our health care system is a hoax,” declared Dr. Paul Marik to a packed audience at the Florida COVID summit.
Dr. Marik Talks Repurposed Drugs with The Cancer Liberation Project
"Dr. Marik and his team developed a monograph that is intended to educate physicians and their patients about the often-overlooked role repurposed medications, supplements and lifestyle habits have in cancer treatment protocols."
Are “Donuts” and Potato Chips Addictive?
Are "donuts" and potato chips addictive? Dr. Pierre Kory and Alison Steinberg of IN FOCUS discuss a new study that indicates processed foods can be "as addictive as cocaine."
Doctors Keep Fighting To Block CA From Censoring Their Medical Advice
Dr. Pierre Kory returns to The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson and discusses why the repeal of California's "medical consensus" law, AB 2098, did not end the fight for doctor-patient rights in CA.
“Spike Protein is A Toxin”
Dr. Pierre Kory and Meg Ellefson discuss the differences between Long COVID and Long Vax and how both compare to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
“Horse Paste” and the FDA’s War on Ivermectin
Dr. Pierre Kory returns to the Ask Dr. Drew show and gives his take on the global cost of the FDA's smears against the Nobel Prize-winning drug.
The Next Wave of COVID Fear
Dr. Kory exposes “misleading” claims from the FDA and CDC about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, ‘sovereign immunity’ and the impact of denying care to patients during the pandemic.
Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Paul Thomas Talk Cancer Care
Dr. Paul Marik joined Dr. Paul Thomas on the With The Wind podcast for a fascinating discussion on COVID protocols and his recent book, “Cancer Care: The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer.”
Long COVID Town Hall with Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Sharyl Attkisson
Emmy-winning Full Measure host Sharyl Attkisson is joined by Dr. Jordan Vaughn and Dr. Pierre Kory to discuss emerging research and treatments related to COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.
The Clot Factor
Sharyl Attkisson interviews FLCCC advisor Dr. Jordan Vaughn on "the most confounding mysteries surrounding the many illnesses that can linger similarly after both Covid and Covid vaccines."