The Fight to Launch A New Medical Journal
Tamara Ugolini of Rebel News interviews Dr. Joseph Varon on the fight to launch the Journal of the FLCCC Alliance.
Building A Better Brain with Dr. Suzanne Gazda
The National Desk features FLCCC Senior Fellow Dr. Suzanne Gazda's tips on "Building A Better Brain" post-COVID cognitive impairment.
Dr. Joseph Varon Joins TND to Discuss ‘How to Find a Good Doctor’
Dr. Joseph Varon, co-founder of the FLCCC Alliance, joined host Jan Jeffcoat on The National Desk to discuss how to find a good doctor - what questions patients should ask if they are thinking of switching doctors, how to know if you are aligned with your practitioner, and practical steps patients can take to change their current doctor if necessary.
Dr. Pierre Kory Discusses Vaccine Data with Tucker Carlson
Why are young and healthy people dying at an alarming rate? That was just one of many questions FLCCC Alliance Co-Founder Dr. Pierre Kory explored with Tucker Carlson this week.
Dr. Kory Joins ‘Stay Free’ Podcast with Russell Brand
Dr. Pierre Kory joined the 'Stay Free,' podcast with Russell Brand to discuss the critical issues that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Kory Talks Long Vax with The National Desk
FLCCC Alliance Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pierre Kory, joined Jan Jeffcoat on The National Desk (TND) and discussed the lingering effects of Long COVID and Long Vax, and how ivermectin and Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) are being used to treat spike-protein induced diseases.
FLCCC Partners with The National Desk for Health Initiatives
Dr. Paul Marik joined Jan Jeffcoat on The National Desk (TND) on January 15 to discuss how intermittent fasting can be used to treat long COVID, long vax, and other chronic diseases including diabetes.
Fauci’s Closed-Door Confession
FLCCC Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pierre Kory, calls out the '3 Big Covid Whoppers Fauci Confessed To Congress This Week,' in a new Op-ed in The Federalist.
Vaccine Clinics with Ambulances on Standby: A Critical Look
Recent FOIA-obtained data from the Department of Emergency Services in Westchester, NY reveal a shocking number of vaccine emergency calls as well as requests for ambulances to be "on standby." Dr. Pierre Kory
COVID Vaccines & Increased Risk of Long COVID Symptoms
FLCCC Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Pierre Kory, was quoted in a recent article in The Defender, reviewing the peer-reviewed study, 'Characteristics and predictors of Long COVID among diagnosed cases of COVID-19.' When it came to discussing the link between two doses of COVID-19 vaccination and the development of long COVID symptoms, the study authors called it an “observational paradox” and cited research that contradicted what their data showed. Dr. Pierre Kory told The Defender he wasn’t surprised the researchers found a link between two vaccine doses and long COVID — and he also wasn’t surprised the authors downplayed the finding.