In a new Op-Ed published this week in Newsweek (YES! A mainstream outlet!), our Dr. Pierre Kory, along with investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer wrote that, “America has seen what one insurance insider calls an “open secret” of increased excess deaths—the number of [young] people dying above what is expected.”
They also report that seemingly little effort has gone into investigating these developments and that it is the insurance industry itself that is raising the alarm. “Finance and indemnity experts in the nonprofit Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives (ICSL) are urging insurers to address the simmering health problems reflected in disability statistics.”
Dr. Kory and Ms. Pfeiffer are calling for an increase in patient testing—looking for markers of looming liver and kidney disease, susceptibility to blood clots, and heart problems.
“Until we fully understand what’s causing this wave of destruction, we won’t know how to end it.”
100% correct.
“I used to think the media telling little white lies was dirty but mostly harmless…” writes Jenna McCarthy in the latest ‘Here’s a Thought’.
Jenna goes on to describe the dangerous fallout from having a government-controlled media unafraid to make stuff up.
“When the governmedia spends two years trying to convince us we should hole up in our homes to avoid a virus that was mild in many cases; when they censor and silence renowned doctors and scientists, refuse to release critical safety data, and systematically ignore the stories of the countless vaccine-injured; when they insist we inject our children with known poisons to prevent a disease that has a next-to-zero chance of harming or killing them, trust has officially and permanently left the building. “
We could not agree more, Jenna.
This week, FLCCC Weekly Webinar host Betsy Ashton, along with our Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, welcomed guest Dr. Lawrence Palevsky—a pediatrician specializing in a holistic approach to pediatric medicine.
Dr. Palevsky, as you’ll soon learn from watching the webinar, is a brilliant, well-considered, compassionate physician who gave viewers (and our own doctors!) a virtual master class in caring for our children in the healthiest and most profoundly beneficial ways possible.
This is a must, must, MUST-see!
Metformin is a medicine that is currently used by over 150 million people worldwide to treat Type 2 diabetes.
But based on positive study results of the use of metformin to treat COVID-19, we have recently added metformin to our I-CARE: Early COVID Treatment Guide. You can find the updated guide HERE.
BACKGROUND: Adding metformin to our I-CARE: Early Treatment Guide was based on the positive results of a new study showing that an incrementing dose of metformin over 14 days reduced the rate of hospitalization for COVID.
It also appears that metformin could reduce the risk of long COVID as well. The researchers followed study participants over time and found that patients who received metformin were less likely to develop long COVID.
An imbalance in the adrenal glands can lead to increased stress, sleep disruptions, and can also contribute to aging.
Learn all about the adrenal glands in this episode of ‘Whole Body Health’ with our Dr. JP Saleeby. We also have a new guide, ‘Unlocking the Secrets of Adrenal Health’, up now! Download it HERE.
In this episode of Kid’s Corner, Dr. Mumper discusses pediatric myocarditis.
Listen as she takes a deep dive into a study about the incidence of myocarditis in pediatric patients in comparison to the COVID-19 natural infection versus the mRNA vaccines.
Dr. Mumper demystifies the data both in the study and in the study design and compares it to the recommendations from CDC Director, Dr. Mandy Cohen.
Especially with matters of heart health (like infant myocarditis), we encourage you to read the study, watch these videos, and form your own opinion.
From our Dr. Been in this week’s edition of Long (COVID) Study Short:
“We are aware of mRNA vaccine-associated myocarditis/pericarditis. In a newly published study (preprint) funded by FDA, there is the presence of a new safety signal —seizures/convulsions — for COVID vaccinated children between the ages of 2-5 years.” Watch Dr. Been’s careful review of this study.
Shannon and her husband had ivermectin ready “just in case” thanks to the FLCCC and telemedicine.
So when COVID hit, they were prepared—and were able to assist their elderly parents recover from COVID. Watch this uplifting MyStory.
What is a “REVOLUTION?” For the FLCCC, it means MOMENTOUS CHANGE.
That’s right! A real revolution in healthcare is coming— with the unstoppable FLCCC leading the way.
We are excited to announce that our third educational conference, ‘Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship’, will be taking place February 2-4, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona.
For 2 1/2 days, an energized group of revolutionary thinkers will share their knowledge and expertise, examine treatments for complex conditions, and discuss ideas for creating a new healthcare system focused on long-term wellness, the restoration of the art and science of medicine and a return to patient-focused medical care.
You will leave feeling part of a revolutionary movement — motivated, knowledgeable, and ready to help patients, family, and friends in need.