Kristina Morros, MS, CRNA, shares the magic behind the Tools & Guides website resource 

Ever wonder who creates the helpful informational guides, articles, tools, and resources you find on the FLCCC website? Look no further than our own Manager of Education and Clinical Support Kristina Morros, MS, CRNA. Many know Kristina from our webinars. She leads the nurses who are rock stars behind the scenes, answering your clinical questions in the Q&A. What you may not know about Kristina, though, is that she has an artistic side, and she is driven by a deep mission to educate people on taking charge of their health.

“When I first started at the FLCCC Alliance in July of 2021, Dr. Marik mentioned that he’d love to incorporate infographics to help people understand the research and protocols that he and the other doctors were working on. One of the initial projects I did was an evaluation of the use of ivermectin in Africa and COVID incidence (which was low, of course, because of the population’s frequent use of the drug). I then branched out to create informational guides on acute COVID treatment, facts about pre- and probiotics, and low-histamine diets, to name a few,” Kristina shared.

Kristina’s work has expanded exponentially over the past few years, and now there is an entire section of the website devoted to her inspired creations: Tools & Guides, housed under “Resources” in the main menu. There you can browse popular topics on the left of the screen or type a keyword into the search bar to find information on areas of interest. 

Kristina determines which topics to cover from questions that come into the clinical support email and the webinar Q&A. More recently, our online forums have been a source of inspiration. “As a nurse, I was always focused on patient questions, needs, and helping people understand what they were experiencing. I bring that to this work as well.”

And what about that creative design spark that makes her guides so accessible and clear? “I always liked commercial arts and design. I took art classes in college and to this day paint and draw in my free time. After I get a topic idea, the design often leads the project.”

There are now more than 100 resources in the Tools & Guides section, with subjects ranging from how to read scientific papers, to a Brain Health Guide, to the health benefits of coffee, to our A to Zinc Nutrient Guide. Kristina’s favorite is the Glucose-Ketone Index Guide, as it is comprehensive in scope and includes definitions and meal plans.

Kristina’s goal is to educate and empower, giving people the information they need to get and stay healthy. “My primary intention is to support people’s health and well-being holistically. Health is multidimensional and includes nutrition, supplements, movement, sleep, and a spiritual component. I want to help people move away from fear, and these guides can help them do that.”

At the FLCCC, we’re harnessing the momentum of each of you—the brave truth-tellers—to launch a healthcare revolution. Join us today and stake your claim in our crusade for Honest Medicine. Make a gift to help fund our critical work. 

Now through March 26, 2024, each and every gift made to the FLCCC Alliance will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000 thanks to two kind benefactors.