Dr. Joseph Varon—one of the co-founders of the FLCCC—worked 715 days straight in his Houston ICU to save thousands of COVID patients. Using the FLCCC’s MATH+ Protocol, the mortality rate of the hospital quickly became the lowest in the nation.

But in a new interview on The Gut Check Project with hosts Eric Rieger and Dr. Ken Brown, Dr. Varon said that as the news media began to flock to his hospital to learn more about his success in saving his critically ill patients, he began receiving death threats at his office. “One of the threats we received said, ‘Tomorrow Dr. Varon will not be around because we are going to kill him.’”

Dr. Varon hypothesizes that this occurred perhaps because of the widespread ostracizing of the FLCCC doctors—all giants of medicine in their fields. Their MATH+ Protocol relied heavily on the use of corticosteroids, which the WHO warned was dangerous to use for COVID.

Local Houston television stations loved Dr. Varon, and soon, he was tapped to appear in hundreds of national and international interviews. Still, no media outlet—print, digital or electronic; local, national, or international—would report about the success of the MATH+ Protocol—although Dr. Varon spoke about it in the interviews. Curiously, mentions of the MATH+ Protocol were always left on the proverbial cutting room floor.

Was there something else at work here? Could it have been that the uncanny ability of the FLCCC to quickly figure out what worked to save all those critically ill patients was threatening to get in the way of the parallel effort by Big Pharma and its stooges-in-waiting to quickly develop and roll out the COVID vaccines in a matter of months? Would news of these patients who’d been snatched away from death’s door make others hesitant to take a “rushed-to-market” vaccine if the threat of death from COVID was perceived to be small?

Though the MATH+ Protocol—with its focus on the use of corticosteroids—was eventually adopted by the WHO after a UK study proved its efficacy, the FLCCC still had a target on its back—especially when it became the first physician organization to identify the data signal for the efficacy of ivermectin to treat every phase of COVID disease. Remember, this occurred two months before the rollout of the vaccines in late 2021. The ensuing censorship, defamation, and persecution of the FLCCC and medical providers who followed their protocols began immediately—and continues unabated.

Dr. Varon—and other medical providers who demonstrated exceptional moral courage during the darkest days of the pandemic—are global health heroes.

When will this insanity end?

Epoch Times anchor and host Jan Jekielek recently sat down with two luminaries of the FLCCC: Dr. Paul Mark and Dr. Ryan Cole.

Jan’s interview with Dr. Marik focused on the spike protein—and how it finds its way into every organ system in the human body.

“When you get the jab, the amount of spike protein is exponentially higher than with natural infection. And that’s why we see all these complications from the vaccine,” explains Dr. Marik. “Spike protein is probably one of the most toxic compounds human beings can be exposed to.”

“How humans were used as ‘Lab Rats’ in the COVID pandemic” is the focus of Jan’s interview with Dr. Cole. They also discussed autopsies and excess death rates allegedly related to the mRNA shot, and what has actually been found in the vials of these shots. Then, there is the curious emergence of what doctors are calling “turbo cancers”. Dr. Cole reveals how they potentially relate to the COVID vaccine.

OK folks,🤡 🎟️ this is your ticket 🎟️ 🤡 into Clown World for the day!

Check this out: on the FDA’s website, there is a page entitled: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”.

Seems simple enough to understand. Any clown knows what that means. They don’t want you to consider—even for a nanosecond— using ivermectin to treat COVID.

But look at that link closely. You’ll see that the clinical trials that the FDA points to on that page say the exact opposite.

• The majority of the trials say that IVM works for COVID.

• It stops the progression to serious disease.

• It reduces the time of viral shedding.

• It lowers viral load.

• It works as a prophylaxis to prevent infection.

So, let’s summarize our little trip into Clown World, courtesy of the Federal “You-Are-Not-A-Horse” Drug Administration. The best way to prove that ivermectin does not work for COVID-19, is to point to studies that prove how effective it is for COVID.

That’s some juggling act.

The Vigilant Fox
FDA Embarrassingly Claims Ivermectin Doesn’t Work While Linking to Studies That Prove It Does
Watch now (2 min) | Originally Published on DailyClout “It seems like the messaging that’s coming down to us, the American citizens, from our own Federal government, resembles the world of George Orwell’s 1984 more and more,” wrote The Epoch Times. Case in point: over on the…

Our Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory recently returned from the Better Way Conference in Bath, England, where they were featured speakers. The conference was presented by the World Council for Health.

NOTE: All of the featured presentations can be accessed online. Sign up HERE.

Dr. Marik spoke about the medical journals—and how they can no longer be trusted to publish studies that are unbiased and contain no conflicts of interest. He said that the major medical journals have all been captured—and paid off. And they’re not the only ones, said Marik. “The journalists are paid off, the FDA is paid off, the people on these regulatory panels that regulate these drugs are paid off…so they’re all paid off.”

Not at all $urpri$ing.

Dr. Kory’s address focused on working towards developing health systems that respect patients’ rights and sovereignty.

“We have to talk about ways forward that are outside of the system,” said Dr. Kory. “It is clear that our medical system has been captured. But here, at this conference, we are among like-minded people who willingly or forcibly have had to be more skeptical because our institutions have failed us. It’s been a war of information owing to the powers of propaganda and censorship. We need better and more transparent information. We need to find a better way.”


On Wednesday’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar, host Betsy Aston was joined by FLCCC physicians Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Mobeen Syed.

‘Understanding and Treating Long COVID Symptoms’ was the focus of the discussion, with the doctors, as always, sharing their insights and new learnings about the diagnosis and treatment of Long COVID.

“Patients have multiple symptoms across multiple syndromes, and physicians can’t put it all together,” said Dr. Marik. Dr. Been’s presentation—brilliantly illuminated by his slides —significantly enhances the understanding of these complex issues for medical providers and lay persons alike. A must-watch and must-share.

In this latest episode of ‘Long (COVID) Story Short’, our Dr. Been looks at how mRNA vaccines can induce multiple sclerosis in some individuals.

This lecture looks at several cases of multiple sclerosis that developed shortly after vaccination, and how this may have occurred. Dr. Been notes that this could also occur from SARS-COV-2 infection. An important video to watch and share.

This is quite a powerful MyStory.

Because David is fit, healthy, and lean, his wife Lacey never thought he would struggle to recover from COVID. However, he suffered from extreme brain fog—thankfully they had ivermectin on hand. David took it. WOW!

Watch their MyStory to find out what happened.

🎬 Mikki Willis’ new film, “The Great Awakening” is now online and can be watched for free. 🎬

From the website:

“The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.”

💊The FLCCC is partnering with the Brownstone Institute to host a tent at Porcfest — the Porcupine Freedom Festival, which happens every year in New Hampshire (June 19th – 25th this year).

We will be giving talks on medical freedom and patient empowerment in the Brownstone tent during this weeklong liberty event. There will be special guests, including Dr. Joe Varon, Dr. Chris Martenson, Tom Markson, and Dr. Kat Lindley. There will also be open mics where we invite everyone to tell their own story. Plus, enjoy some exclusive FLCCC merch found only at Porcfest!

Find out more HERE.