Vitamin C and Cancer

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  • wilderabbit

    December 8, 2024 at 8:51 am EST

    I saw this story on Fox and immediately thought of Dr. Marik although he used this treatment with sepsis. And his book on alternative cancer treatments was banned on Amazon initially. No, I don’t think there will be an apology. It seems like no one faces the consequences of their actions, especially in the media. Rachel Maddow never corrected her wrong information and still gets paid $25 million for spreading misinformation and venom.

  • altabob

    December 8, 2024 at 10:03 am EST

    I don’t expect (sincere) apologies from the people who’ve lied all along. But is good to see this in the MSM and hopefully with the new administration, the doctors who have been standing up to big pharma will be recognized as hero’s. Which they already are to so many people!

    Some interesting alternative treatments are appearing, check out the Midwestern Doctor and Dr. Robert Yoho on substack.

  • Denise Massa

    December 8, 2024 at 10:38 am EST

    Again, the short answer to this is no. I expect nothing in the way of an apology from anyone.

  • Dr.Colleen Galvin

    December 8, 2024 at 10:45 am EST

    Apology? Not likely. Huge profits in the cancer sickness industry. Those of us risking our licenses helping people through the FLCCC, offering off-label treatments, practicing safe and effective alternatives to the “sub-standard of care” continue to be harassed, sanctioned and have our licenses threatened. As they say, “follow the money”. If big pharma is threatened, big finance/politics is threatened and there can be serious consequences that may ensue and do!

  • mrko

    December 9, 2024 at 7:39 am EST

    Let’s get together on GETTR, the only true telling social media:

  • mrko

    December 9, 2024 at 7:46 am EST

    By the way, there were tons of studies and papers and testimonies about vitamins and supplements and herbal medicines worked really well, but the truth had been buried because all the media and government and organisations were controlled by the disease industry. To get our freedom and health back, we need to win the infowar and narrative war first!

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