Blood screening for COVID vaccination
Tagged: booster, Covid-19 vaccine, live-attenuated, Red Cross, vaccine
Blood screening for COVID vaccination
Posted by DrT0.0232789516449 seconds
on February 21, 2024 at 5:16 pm ESTJust came to my attention–it seems the Red Cross screens for COVID vaccination. Is this a change? Would any on this thread have more information?
Mlee0.0267541408539 seconds
replied 11 months, 1 week ago 5 Members · 6 Replies -
6 Replies
Very interesting! I didn’t know – but I’m glad to hear it.
If I needed blood, I wonder if I could request non-vaxxed??
To answer your question, I think they now know “safe & effective” is a myth.
It seems like they would have caught on earlier and starting separating the blood earlier. Even if they do begin to do that, how would we know what we’re getting? Do you think they’d lie?
I was looking for that information on the Red Cross site and didn’t find it but I did find the information below from https://www.redcrossblood.org/faq.html#eligibility-medications
“COVID-19 Vaccine and COVID-19 Booster Shot
- Acceptable if you were vaccinated with a non-replicating, inactivated, or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer providing you are symptom-free and fever-free.
- Wait 2 weeks if you were vaccinated with a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine.
Wait 2 weeks if you were vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine but do not know if it was a non-replicating, inactivated, RNA based vaccine or a live attenuated vaccine”
WHO KNEW they were using “live attenuated Covid-19 vaccine” !!!!????
Find out how often you can donate blood and answers to more frequently asked questions about the blood donation process with American Red Cross blood services.
Wow, great information Sara, thanks! Indeed, who knew that they were using “live attenuated Covid-19 vaccine?!” The layers upon layers.
Looking for Answers Hope someone can help . Not sure if this is related but searching for an answer. In 2021 I had cervical spine injections for my RA right in the midst of the push for the covid vaccine. Procedure was done under general anesthesia. It was done at a Surgery affiliated with a hospital that pushed HARD for the mRNA vaccine. My doctor was a well known Pain Management Physician who I had been with for 13 years. He had his private practice when I first met him but now was part of this mega healthcare system & hospital. Note – I never authorized or signed anything giving permission to have that vaccine nor did my Pain Management Doctor ever push or discuss it. I was forced to wear a mask for the entire time but nothing else to my knowledge .
After the procedure ( which I have had done before with this same doctor) I had some unusual side effects. The next week I could not stand without feeling dizzy . That had never happened before . I also developed constant Tinnitus ( ringing in my ears ) again never had this from previous injections .
My doctor retired right after that and when they were forced to push the
shot his nurse practitioner was fired for not complying. The hospital
then went on a campaign to force me on mega doses of Tylenol ( instead
of the medicines that have allowed some quality of life for 13 + years ) and to see
“their ” new pain doctor . My medicines were cut abruptly ( over days not weeks ) and I was
told by this quack that my RA pain was mostly “in my head” A nightmare
experience. . I told him about the side effects from the procedure as well but he was much more concerned that he titrate my medicines.in a hurry. I had severe reactions to this process . Again this so called doctor could have cared less when i told him and I had no way to contact my former doctor to get help.Since that time my health has steadily gone downhill, I feel tired all the time I have had some issues with weakness in my face and my arms . With that said I want to emphasize I trusted my doctor to do these injections as he had done them before when he had his private practice without incident . My question is could that hospital have given me the mRNA vaccine while I was under without my permission ?
And if so is there any test or any way to find out if they did .
Something is just not right . And I intend to find out.
Especially if you haven’t been infected with Covid having a spike antibody test will tell if you have produced antibodies against it, i.e. been injected or shed upon. Dr Kory mentioned in one of his talks on shedding about the levels being higher in some people experiencing shedding symptoms ( https://imahealth.org/courses/conference-2024/lessons/shedding-is-real/). They use a dilution method. Unfortunately the Lab in Australia will only give negative or positive result (paying for it privately as Drs are highly unlikely to order it) but in the USA you can get the levels tested.
Shedding is Real Lecture abstract: In "Shedding is Real," Dr. Pierre Kory and Scott Marsland explore the phenomenon of vaccine shedding, specifically the transmission of gene therapy residues like spike proteins from mRNA vaccines between individuals. They present scientific studies, … Continue reading
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