Should Fauci be pardoned?


  • Linda Dow

    December 8, 2024 at 4:09 pm EST

    absolutely not

  • Lorna

    December 8, 2024 at 4:18 pm EST

    NO NO NO

  • Claire Mortimer FNP

    December 8, 2024 at 6:04 pm EST

    Short answer (please excuse): Hell NO!!!

  • Deborah Burtley

    December 8, 2024 at 6:04 pm EST

    Noooo Way!!!

  • Martha Trudeau

    December 8, 2024 at 7:20 pm EST

    Most important in my view is that the FACTS of Dr. Fauci’s heinous and illegal acts be clearly established in the courts for the HISTORICAL RECORD, and for appropriate sentencing of fines and/or incarceration in accordance with US laws. Whether or not our judicial system will be able to punish him remains to be seen, but it is imperative that his acts be clearly and incontrovertibly documented both FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS and so that Dr. Fauci and all accomplices can be thoroughly and PUBLICLY SHAMED. The worst thing for future generations wouldn’t be as much about what punishment Dr. Fauci receives, but whether or not they can easily find the truth about what happened. There are many many people who were in cahoots with him; this may be too big a project for our government.

  • Wendy Farrow

    December 8, 2024 at 7:39 pm EST


  • Robert Barrett

    December 8, 2024 at 9:13 pm EST

    December 8, 2024 at 11:56 pm EST

    He should be tried and sentenced to death by experimental vaccinations.

  • mrko

    December 9, 2024 at 7:51 am EST

    No problem, but comes with some conditions: inject him with three HPV shots, three COVID shots, and three flu shots, at the same time. How about that?

  • Tom Gorrow

    December 9, 2024 at 9:31 am EST

    No damned way should he be let off the hook. His actions clearly show that he knew far more than he ever let on as well as actively tried to impede investigation into its true origin.

    Another issue in this is the fact he has NOT YET BEEN CHARGED🤔. No one has ever been pardoned for a crime they had yet to be charged with at least that I know of. This is the exact same sort of “ deal” that Hunters lawyers tried to make over a year ago during his pre trial negotiations. He was willing to plead guilty to the gun charge in exchange for immunity to the charges as well as anything discovered in the future that could be related in any way. That’s my understanding of this wild cockeyed plea deal as I read it.

    None of this makes any sense. It sounds like something right out of Orwells 1984 . Not that I would put any of this past the people in this regime. In the end I can’t see this holding up in the long run though it may well be some sort of delaying tactic. I put absolutely nothing past this crew!

  • marthajean

    December 9, 2024 at 10:24 am EST

    I don’t think that Fauci should be pardoned.

    However, I think the speculation may be a trial balloon. As in, leak the rumor that Biden is considering a pardon, see what the public thinks, then have Biden make the decision.

    We already know that Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter, provoked quite the backlash, so I think he may be hesitant on the pardoning front.

    My US $.02 worth.

  • Tommy Blake

    December 9, 2024 at 9:53 pm EST

    The Khmer Rouge were never punished in Cambodia. Today people live next door in neighborhoods to the ex-unpunished-Khmer Rouge monsters of war. (I hear this often in Sandy Rios program on AFR radio). I hear the people today in Cambodia are living in shock/unbelief- still waiting- of no punishment of terrible criminal behavior during the war.

    No -there have been egregious crimes committed, in my opinion here in the United States and “high profits” taken. My community and our nation have been ransacked by political ploy- with death, injury, the ultimate of political bullying, con jobs all around us, financial setback and sometimes/often ruin. Setbacks are untold stories and they are everywhere!

    My friend, an officer and pilot serving in the Air Force, was kept/ could not leave- locked in place, in motel room in Japan, food brought to his door like a dog in a dog house, for weeks on end as he would not take the vax. Other officers the same. They had to quit the Air Force eventually if they did not take the shot. No exemption of any kind allowed. A fine Air Force pilot & “soldier” he was. (I taught him years earlier in middle school at church).

    A person I know was 17 years of planned 20 in the navy. Doing fine but heart condition. His heart doctor said he should not take the vax, far too much risk. He did not. He was terminated, his benefits & college credits taken away. His wife and 2 kids- they had to sell the home, ruined them financially. A fine navy “soldier” he was.

    My hvac sub, nice talented community family man with wife and 2 children. Took the vaccines per his doctor, worked on my job, had covid so doctor said get booster so he did, he worked a bit but sick again with covid so stopped mid way on my job, doctor said get another booster to really boast him- he stayed sick and his was a lean healthy clean living all the way guy who 2 months later got lung cancer, no he never smoked, and later in following fall he died. Hyper cancer.

    I have dozens of these stories. Injury. Death. It’s hidden- swept under the rugs. Still this moment occurring – Covid may be throttled back, but not the effects of the vaccines.

    No- there is no way Fauci, and many others should be absolved of their crimes. Even the TV news anchors were in on it. They are all criminals.

    Criminal proceedings need proceed forward through the laws of our lands, then follow the laws on to the punishments, to the fullest extent of the laws.

    In Germany the churches, during World War 2, I am told, sang louder when trains came by with Jews in cattle cars heading to death camps. Many churches did not want to hear the trains, they wanted to push out reality. No.

    We cannot push out reality. My friends, my buddies are dead and injured now. I have more falling weekly in my little community and church I get a weekly written report at my church on the status of the turbo cancer and all the injuries. The list is large, all ages.

    No, by the Grace of God, give us strength and discernment -punish those deserving of punishment.

    Dear God- give us clarity when none seems anywhere around. Give us peace, when we hurt from the pain. Give us direction as our nation has ransacked its good faith. Dear God this is bigger than us. We shall lean on you. Amen

  • Trace Farley

    December 10, 2024 at 10:49 pm EST

    Of course not. Fauci should be strung up by his you know what and left to hang. He’s the murderer of millions due to these extremely toxic vaccines, and deserves to be punished like any other murderer. He’s as bad or perhaps worse than Hitler.

  • peacock81505

    December 11, 2024 at 8:29 am EST

    I agree that he is guilty but in the US, we’re supposed to assume a person is innocent until found guilty in a court of law. In my heart though, I ask God to please right this terrible wrong.

  • Robert Barrett

    December 11, 2024 at 1:28 pm EST

    I must not belong on this site. I can’t imagine a man with Fauci’s credentials and proven dedication to public service….a man with hundreds of loyal employees and associates…would be a slimy crook. People get caught up in conspriacy theories and start believing the truck drivers at the truck stops. I see baseless claims like stolen elections….wait…did Harris lose through stolen votes for Tramp??? More than 90% of medical doctors get vaccinated and vaccinate their kids… yet people on this forum with zero medical backgrounds spout nonsense without any shred of evidence. Do you homework, get an education….and then speak out.

    • vegandan

      December 11, 2024 at 3:57 pm EST

      You are welcome to share your opinion here like everyone else. It is a different type of forum where all points of view are allowed. As opposed to several other social media platforms where someone who is in the background determines if your point of view is allowed or not. I don’t personally share your viewpoint and would like to add that although there are both medical professionals and laypersons on this forum, I would hardly say that most are uneducated about the issues.

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