Questions for today's (Jul 31) webinar? "Children's Heart Health Post Covid"

  • Tommy Blake

    July 30, 2024 at 10:21 pm EDT

    A friend of mine has a high functioning autistic 18 year old son. He has been in training to be some type of doctor assistant. He is excited about this hospital opportunity, however the hospital wants him to get Covid vax. The mom is afraid for him, she does not trust the vax. Her dad was on ivermectin 2 years ago w/ 2 other meds, the doctor recommended and removed those meds, gave the vax, and a few months later he passed away. Her mom was a head hospital floor nurse and says the hospital and doctor killed him. So there is much distract in this family. Does autism make one more at risk? Is the vax still not recommended, at age 18?

    • IMA-official

      July 31, 2024 at 2:05 pm EDT

      Thank you for your question! Will pass this on to the team.

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