Ivermectin for Ovarian Cancer – not working?

  • Ivermectin for Ovarian Cancer – not working?

    Posted by Steve Spencer on February 17, 2025 at 4:52 pm EST

    My wife was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer in Sept 2023. She had six courses of chemo, three before having radical surgery and three following. At the time of diagnosis, her CA125 was over 7000. This dropped fast during chemo then further still after surgery and more chemo. The lowest value was just 12, which of course was encouraging.

    She then commenced ‘maintenance treatment’ with Bevacizumab but this was halted when a brain scan revealed multiple tiny bleeds on her brain. That was another low point as she felt she had just been placed in a waiting room until her cancer came back. we were told no other treatment was available but she would be offered more chemo if necessary.

    I then embarked on a search for alternative options and helpful supplements. That’s how I came across suggestions that Ivermectin could fight cancer. I had some left over from Covid (still within use-by) and she started a daily dose of 12mg. I bought more (from India) and she’s been taking it for sis months or so.

    However, her CA125 is climbing steadily, 102 at the last test, and her oncologist wants to restart chemo, despite scans showing no new activity. We don’t know why yet, but perhaps something else in her latest blood test is concerning, such as liver function?

    I read somewhere that Ivermectin can impact liver function. At 12mg/day, should we be concerned? Should she take a break from the Ivermectin? Also, should she halt the Ivermectin during chemo?

    Note that we haven’t told her oncologist that she’s taking Ivermectin and don’t feel confident about discussing it with them.

    IMA-GregT replied 4 days, 7 hours ago 17 Members · 25 Replies
  • 25 Replies
  • drscruf

    February 17, 2025 at 5:10 pm EST

    I’m not an oncologist, but most protocols I have read suggest a much higher dose of Ivermectin than what she is currently receiving. Typically, cancers in remission require a dose of 0.5 mg/kg daily. There is, of course, much conjecture about these protocols, but I’d be happy to chat with you and your wife if you like.

    • Steve Spencer

      February 17, 2025 at 9:20 pm EST

      Ha! I’ve found the ‘Reply’ button!

      Yes, I’ve seen other protocols suggesting higher doses. The problem is, for her, that one possible side effect of Ivermectin is low blood pressure and this happened to her immediately, necessitating that she stop taking her beta blocker. However, the beta blocker was prescribed to reduce her (rather high) heart rate and her BPM shot up. Luckily, the low blood pressure seemed to stabilise after a couple of weeks, allowing her to recommence the beta blocker.

      I’m therefore wary of increasing the Ivermectin dose.

      By the way, she was/is not technically ‘in remission’. The surgeon and oncologist stated that they could not remove all the cancer and some small spots of activity remained after surgery. I believe her diagnosis is what is sometimes termed ‘Lego tumours’, i.e. that on top of the tumours on her ovaries, there were multiple lesions on her omentum, peritoneum and diaphragm, also some tumour had ‘adhered’ to her bowel, necessitating a resection.

      We know her cancer will fire up again. We just don’t know when and of course we’re hoping that day is a while off (though this latest consult has scared the heck out of us).

  • kenpomom

    February 17, 2025 at 5:49 pm EST

    Agree with drscruf; dosage seems too low to me.


  • kenpomom

    February 17, 2025 at 5:50 pm EST


  • Markus Lee

    February 17, 2025 at 5:57 pm EST

    IANAD. I heard that Fenbendazole can also be useful against cancer and in combination with Ivermectin.

    IMO — You should seek out a protocol which is proven to work where someone (hopefully a doctor) can tell you how much of the drugs to take and how to do it. There is a substack on fenbendazole and that may be another place to look. i.e. You shouldn’t have to guess.


  • kenpomom

    February 17, 2025 at 6:01 pm EST

    It may help her to reduce or eliminate all carbs and sugar in her diet. Most cancers thrive on sugars and unfortunately, most practitioners recommend high protein liquid supplements which are full of carbs/sugars. I am so sorry that you all are going through this terrible trial!

  • Candy Douglas

    February 17, 2025 at 6:53 pm EST

    Im so sorry…..time to get aggressive with diet…stop all animal products…..stop all processed foods….eat only organic fruits n vegetables….fresh garlic and fresh onions everyday……research HOPE brand nutritional drip….. [email protected]

  • Jody Gordon

    February 17, 2025 at 7:02 pm EST
  • hayden1

    February 17, 2025 at 7:05 pm EST

    I am under the CancerCare protocol of Dr Marik and am taking 48mg of Ivermectin each day with zero negative effects.

    • IMA-GregT

      February 18, 2025 at 6:45 am EST

      👍 Thanks for that note Hayden1

    • andrew storey

      February 18, 2025 at 9:37 am EST

      Hi Hayden1, how do I get in contact with Dr. Marik? I would like to get in his system. Thnx!

  • hayden1

    February 17, 2025 at 7:12 pm EST


  • hayden1

    February 17, 2025 at 7:20 pm EST

    I would strongly recommend signing up for treatment under the CancerCare protocol.


  • Wilbur Wise

    February 17, 2025 at 8:10 pm EST

    There is ample evidence that Cancer is not a genetic problem but a metabolic one. <div>

    Look up dr. Thomas Seyfried on utube.

    You will be very happy you did.

    God bless!


  • Steve Spencer

    February 17, 2025 at 8:20 pm EST

    Hi folks
    Thanks for the many replies. I’m afraid I don’t know how to respond to them individually.

    My wife has already pretty much cut out sugars other than those in fresh fruit. She has also significantly reduced her total carbs, though not to ‘Keto diet’ levels. She eats very healthily, with almost no processed foods other than supermarket yoghurt and cheese. We buy almost nothing canned or in packets – when I shop, the trolley is full of fresh veg, fruit and meat. We have lived this way since I has a heart attack in 2008.

    Our principal problem is the inability to obtain professional advice here in Australia regarding Ivermectin use. Her oncology team are exceptional and we are so, so grateful for their care, but they show no interest in, or enthusiasm for, ‘alternative’ treatments, not even supplements like vit. D. They seem VERY focused on their official, sanctioned protocols. I can understand that to some degree in today’s litigious world.

    One responder to my post pointed at professional advice/treatment via the IMA. This is very interesting and something I will follow up. However, quite how we could navigate our way between such advice and the treatment she’s getting from the public health system, especially if they contradict or her oncologist won’t agree, I don’t know.

    • ais0219

      February 18, 2025 at 8:33 am EST

      Steve, Dr. Makis uses a combination of high dose Ivm along with other anti-parasitics and has a lot of success stories. He has contact information for patients on his substack: https://makismd.substack.com/

      12 mg/day is a low dose, there are reports that it works in some slow-growing cancers.

      In regards to your wife’s diet — both fruit and dairy are problematic. Fruit contains a lot of sugars too. Store-bought dairy contains a lot of fillers, including sweeteners, and dairy animals may have been feed GMO-feed. If raw goat milk from a pastured animal is not a option where you live, it’s best to stay away from dairy.

      • Steve Spencer

        February 20, 2025 at 2:19 am EST

        Thank you so much for replying.

        As far as I can see, here in Australia supermarket milk has no additives, at least declared on the label. Has any credible research called this into question regarding milk/dairy? Personally, I have developed the belief that the growth hormones in dairy could fuel cancer growth (based on a friend’s experience) but I have not seen any research proving this.

  • aaronaf

    February 17, 2025 at 8:39 pm EST

    No one as far as I can see from the existing replies, has even mentioned DMSO!

    Here is list of carefully assembled links for your consideration:


    https://www.onedaymd.com/2024/10/dmso-incredible-painkiller-almost.html (This website contains lists of DMSO docs in several different states)

    https://www.vitalgate.com/contact-us (DMSO doctor in Naples, FL

    https://clinicsearchonline.org/article/dmso-as-an-anticancer-agent (contains links blocked by my pc)


    https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-fdas-war-against-dmso-and-america (Skim through this article to get an idea of the ongoing great, corrupt suppression of DMSO’s use in the United States! Unfortunately, some of the articles cited by AMD are inaccessible, being behind paywalls or special permissions. Also, unfortunately, you might read testimonies that link back only to comments to his Substack articles.)


    Good luck to you!

  • vegandan

    February 17, 2025 at 9:53 pm EST

    Dr. Been has several videos on the use of Urolithin A and the MOA for cancer. Worth looking into. Also I agree on the low dosage of IVM. Therapeutic levels of .2mg/kg would be for viral infections, but therapeutic levels for cancer treatment would be more like .6mg up to 1mg/kg daily for a period of time that would be specific to your treatment. Not a medical person but I do a lot of reading and watching videos from trusted sources like Dr. Been.

  • Jack and Judy Odell

    February 17, 2025 at 9:56 pm EST

    From all the study we have been doing, it appears that ivermectin has little to no negative side effects. You would do well to contact Dr. Makis in Alberta, Canada, who is working with many cancer patients, using various repurposed drugs, and is having amazing results. You can check him out on Substack. I think he has the 5th largest following in the medical field. He’s also exposing the corruption in the Alberta government and healthcare system. FYI to all… he’s worth following.

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