Ivermectin Expiry Date Considerations
Tagged: Ivermectin
Ivermectin Expiry Date Considerations
Posted by Mike McAuliffe0.0299549102783 seconds
on May 19, 2024 at 8:28 pm EDTIvermectin expiry date – do they need to be discarded after their expirary date? If not, how much is their effectiveness reduced? Is there any adverse effects from taking expired ivermectin?
Karen_flccc0.0243809223175 seconds
replied 5 months, 4 weeks ago 7 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
I’m not any kind of expert or authority on medications but it is my understanding that normal tablets in their sealed packets are good for about 2 year post manufacturing in normal temperatures. That time can be extended if the packets are stored in either refrigeration or freezer. I don’t have any idea of how much impact time will have on unused IVM efficacy. It seems to be a very stable drug and the packets are well sealed in foil. I wouldn’t personally have any problem using IVM that I have stored under cold temperatures for several years if necessary. I usually buy enough IVM to last me for about a year or two before I need to reorder. So my current batch is already a year old and my previous batch is getting near the end and I have had them for about 2 years. They are close to the expiration date which was manufactured 2 years ago. Not a problem for me. I take a 6mg tab every other day prophy and will do 12mg daily when I feel something is amiss with my daily routine. So I do about 200 tabs each year.
Don’t know about ivermectin specifically, but several doctors have told me that expiration dates are rarely accurate for reduced potency. This is especially true from what I’ve heard about compounded meds since the government sets those dates at 6 months from what I’ve heard.
Here are a couple of articles that might be helpful:
Mike, I have heard what others say here: that medicines are viable after 2 years and have had my doctor tell me that they only test up to the 2 year mark so afterwards there’s no data? I’m not sure if this is accurate but it makes some sense.
Would you mind sharing where you get a ivermectin to stock up for a year or more? I have been going down a rabbit hole on this with sources from India and reading about brands from there (Iverjohn, Covemectin, etc) that have been sited as not having the amount of ivermectin in them that is labeled so 12 mg is not 12 mg. This has stopped me from ordering though I still have a stash from 2021. I would very much like to tap into a source that I can trust. What has been your experience?
Dadzcats – I would be interested in the answer to this same question, (if you hear back from anyone!) , I bought a load in 2021 and have some left but need more, also not sure of the ‘Best by’ dating, as time flies! – it’s over 3 years ago now, can you believe it 😲
Hi, I’m asking a question that is about Ivermectin, however it’s not about the expiration. Since everyone here on this thread has been using IV I sensed you could answer my question.(The FLCCC administrator suggested signing up for this forum and post my question and then other members could share their response to my question:
I’ve been trying to find out this question. If I take 2 ivermectin a week, do I take them 2 days in a row? Or spaced apart? The FLCCC protocal isn’t specific about that.
I am vax injured, from my second shot, and wanted to prepare my body for a trip I’m taking. If I respond well to the 6mg, I will take it daily while I’m traveling.
Thank you for your assistance in advance,
Depending on what citation you use, the half life of IVM in the body is between 12 and 36 hours. I use 24 as an average. Which means that the efficacy is reduced by half every 24 hours. So 12 at start, 6 at 24H, 3 at 48H, 1.5 at 72H, etc. So there is a residual effect over time but it decreases. I take 6mg every other day as a maintenance dose. I alternate with quercetin. For me it is like trickle charging a battery. At some point I will have a stable amount of IVM in my body at all times but at a low dosage. The MOA of IVM is rather broad and beneficial that I believe the long term impact is positive and the risk is low. Just my non-medical opinion.
I am frequently asked if it’s safe to take expired IVM. According to the original study submitted to the FDA when it was approved, the drug loses 5-10% potency over a 3 year period.
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) August 23, 2024 -
I was told the same by compounding pharmacist and a couple of docs. I just use my oldest IVM and haven’t worried about expiration dates. Not vaxxed. Never had Covid. Use the protocol including IVM if I feel like I’m coming down with something. Diligent about gargle/nasal spray if I’ve been around a lot of people or around someone sick.
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