Heartbreaking collation of family members lost to hospital death protocols.

  • Ryan

    February 13, 2024 at 6:33 pm EST

    Thanks for sharing Nancer. You know, in Canada we have similar demographics and similar access to healthcare (sort of) compared to the USA. But proportionately we have far far fewer COVID deaths compared to case numbers. I was confounded by this, but the hospital protocols (the so-called “kill protocols”, as I learned at the FLCCC conference) might be the missing link. If those really were instrumented as kill protocols, it has me wondering what pushed that… and that sends me into the conspiracy zone. It is dizzying, that’s for sure

    • ima-eric

      February 13, 2024 at 8:29 pm EST

      Maximizing harm for maximized profits, combined with political and power play agendas. It was a perfect storm of different camps with different agendas to suddenly all line up and benefit from maximized harm.

  • Nancer

    February 13, 2024 at 8:34 pm EST

    My favorite definition of conspiracy theory: Spoiler Alert. Lol.

    Don’t beat yourself up for considering conspiracies. It’s called ‘being awake’.

    • Ryan

      February 14, 2024 at 12:32 pm EST

      Hahaha thanks Nancer. I’m not beating myself up, it’s just that my model didn’t account for so much greed and “evil”. I liked @flccc-eric ‘s take, that’s similar to what I have been thinking. I guess the surprising thing is that many people are participating in the system and must be aware of how poorly it is operating and yet the problems persist or worsen.

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