From Twitter: Discussion with Doctor about vaccines

  • AmyG

    February 6, 2024 at 6:03 pm EST

    OH MY GOD 😠 What has happened to healthcare? FLCCC is so needed. As a retired nurse in the day when I used to believe in childhood vaccines (when I thought we could trust our government) my license required me to know the med/dose/route/possible side effects/contraindications, etc to every drug/vaccine I gave to my patient. When giving vaccines I gave my parents the VIS (vaccine information sheet) BEFORE the doctor came in so they could read about the schedule anticipated shot and have an opportunity to ask questions. Patients have the right to informed consent and THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ANY TREATMENT! These doctors are so threatened by an educated parent/patient. Hope this mama RAN! (might want to watch vaxxed)

  • pjburnhamrn

    February 6, 2024 at 11:11 pm EST

    I am so proud of this mom, standing her ground and stimulating deeper thought in these “healthcare professionals”. Hopefully it will snap them out of their brainwashed trance. Thanks for sharing Tom.

  • fainz

    February 7, 2024 at 1:10 pm EST

    I’ve met doctors like that -ones who could not answer questions and resented me asking. I have finally found one I can talk to. I love it! When he makes a suggestion that I refuse – like a flu shot – he just says it is his job to offer it – mine to decide. No problems!

  • flccc-tom

    February 7, 2024 at 8:28 pm EST

    What shocked me is that she didn’t even say that she wouldn’t vaccinate her kids and got a meltdown from the doctor. I am trying to understand why asking for inserts would precipitate such a strong emotional reaction in a doctor. Any insights?

  • letrinhdoctorhoang-com

    February 7, 2024 at 11:53 pm EST

    What a great mommy! So well informed. In my office, I tore off and kept all the vaccine inserts. Any parent who wanted it-we had plenty to give away

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