If you haven’t been ordered to evacuate yet, get your phone and walk around your house recording everything. Open every drawer and cabinet and make sure you capture everything. Even a pencil has value during an insurance claim. And if you don’t have PROOF that you owned it, the insurance company will not pay you for it.
Evacuation Check List from United Policyholders:
If you are told to evacuate, please do so immediately. If you have been given a warning, you may feel overwhelmed deciding what to take besides the kids, the pets, your clothes. Along with sentimental items that are irreplaceable, here is a short list of important documents that disaster survivors highly recommend you take, based on their personal experiences. Important documents include:
√ Insurance Policies and Related Correspondence
√ Passports and Birth Certificates
√ Family Photos
√ Tax and Loan Documents
√ Stocks and Bonds
√ Wills and Trusts
√ Plans/Blueprints of Your Home