A U Turn by Facebook?

  • A U Turn by Facebook?

    Posted by IMA-HelenT on January 9, 2025 at 7:01 am EST

    What do you think about the latest announcement from Mark Zuckerberg, getting rid of ‘fact checkers’ and bringing in community notes?

    I am always in favor of change, and especially less censorship.

    Are we just meant to forget how much they censored us, especially around early treatment for COVID.

    What would you like to see from Facebook – a public apology and an acknowledgement of what they did wrong, at the very least?

    Do you think it matters and do you think it will mean more free speech?

    IMA-GregT replied 4 weeks, 1 day ago 17 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • CP

    January 9, 2025 at 7:44 am EST

    This guy is not to be believed. There are plenty of examples of him reneging on promises, promised not to commercialize what’s app. It was not the fact checkers who contributed 400 M US to the Biden campaign for dubious purpose [ election steal ]

    He never mentioned that he would free all the people Facebook has censored, this would be the absolute first step to take…

    I would trust a rattlesnake before trusting anything that comes out of his mouth.

    • IMA-HelenT

      January 9, 2025 at 8:08 am EST

      Yes, I do wonder if those people applied would they be freed from ‘Facebook Prison’ I do think so many people have left Facebook and this is purely a commercial decision.

  • Mrs. Doubtflyer

    January 9, 2025 at 7:58 am EST

    First of all I recommend watching this peaceful video all about birds in the wild which gives peace of mind and makes one think of our beautiful Creator…who will set matters straight on this earth in his own time and way.

    Second of all: I find it very difficult to trust people who do not apologize for harming others with their policies…then doing their best to undo the damage. Only God knows the heart…and he is patient allowing people an opportunity to come to know him…and make changes. One day soon that patience will come to an end. These are sobering times for us all.


  • IMA-HelenT

    January 9, 2025 at 8:06 am EST

    Thank you for sharing this gorgeous video, watching birds is a great way to calm the mind. Agree that it’s difficult to start to trust without acknowledging harm first.

  • seadoo

    January 9, 2025 at 8:29 am EST

    I think this was a massive operation, decades in planning (patents prove). Whether willingly or under threat- main media, FB, Twitter, Governments all went along with it. (Both sides- although the mandates did most damage) Mission was to get jab in as many as possible. Mission accomplished. Trudeau resigning, Zuck reversing. Too convenient. They still aren’t admitting the harm the jab did and is continuing to do.

  • John Kelch

    January 9, 2025 at 8:44 am EST

    This “mea culpa” by the global elite is NOT sincere, it is a deliberately-planned part of their attempt to regain public influence and return to their ESSENTIAL role as the public’s primary info source, a role they’ve held for thousands of years until recently damaging it in the “Covid” ruse. “Censorship” is an ESSENTIAL tenet, and people should not believe that the globalist agenda has slowed down a whit due to the election of Trump, in fact, as they have for (8) years, they will use “Trump” to distract the public from their progressive tightening of the noose on the public. Anyone sharing their life on “social media” is simply feeding an AI model to know every trigger and facet needed to control you, on an individual scale.

    The agenda started in the late 60’s when the billionaire industrialists realized that a) plotting the growth of the logarithmic population rise against the logarithmic depletion of readily-available natural resources necessary to sustain it would result in a global “end-state” in far less than (100) yrs, and b) as automation took hold, “human capital” would be less and less needed to achieve wealth – (“people” moved from “assets to “liabilities”!). “Media” has ALWAYS been their primary tool to gaslight the populace and manipulate both their reality and actions – without it they are powerless and vulnerable (why, in the <st1:place w:st=”on”><st1:country-region w:st=”on”>US</st1:country-region></st1:place>, six parties control 90% of all of the public messaging!). With decades of planning and propagating the “need”, they have been in “implementation” in the steps to reduce the global population for well over a decade, and there are at least (20) major planks for that (from “vaccines” to ‘economic suffocation’ to “global warming” – lest you doubt, look at #46 in this article: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/they-really-do-want-reduce-population .) And if you think that gaslighting the public is effective, just think what can be achieved by gaslighting the entire “medical” cadre, from med-school on (think about what ‘doctors’ advised you during Covid – think of how many died – and are STILL dying – following “the science” being distributed – “No one sells as effectively as someone who BELIEVES in their product”!

    Turn OFF the television, and get OFF “social media”, and find alternatives, like the FLCCC. Get closer to first-hand information, and depending less on hearsay!

    • IMA-GregT

      January 9, 2025 at 10:45 am EST

      Zerohedge and the FLCCC kept me sane during COVID.

      • Morgan Sky

        January 9, 2025 at 11:01 am EST

        Thank you ! Some real good replies here. I’m sorry anyone including myself who are online on so called social platforms and do not care about risking their right to privacy after all those brave whistle blowers telling all from various agencies are consenting to unjustly enriching those making money from selling everything about everyone from their underwear size to exactly where they live and if they are inoculated or not. I left face book when the ‘conspiracies’ started looking like factual at the point where fb around 2016 blocked my account and demanding my government approved picture ID. Excuse me Snowden was looking even more credible.

    • vegandan

      January 9, 2025 at 1:08 pm EST

      For the most part I can agree with much of your observation. I am a believer in zero population growth. But there is a difference between voluntary choice to not procreate and murder to obtain the result. We don’t need wars today to reduce populations. All we really need is a compliant citizenry not capable of independent thought and the ability to separate fact from fiction, to accomplish the same thing.

  • an-old-retired-nurse

    January 9, 2025 at 9:11 am EST

    IMHO the Zuck should be bankrupted with legal fees and fines for ALL of his criminal behaviors. Then toss hi in an unheated prison cell, not some cushy ‘club fed’ but a real hard time prison. Faux book and all of it’s subsidiaries should be destroyed, dismembered, shut down.

    His antics (an understated description) forced an election to turn, killed untold citizens world wide and inhibited common sense solutions to avoidable problems.

  • IMA-HelenT

    January 9, 2025 at 9:12 am EST

    Turn OFF the television, and get OFF “social media”, and find alternatives, like the FLCCC. Get closer to first-hand information, and depending less on hearsay!… true words of wisdom 🙂

  • ima-eric

    January 9, 2025 at 10:25 am EST

    There is an interesting trend we are seeing, not just with Zuck. Jack of Twitter is similar. After leaving Twitter, he has dedicated himself to a truly decentralized, free speech platform. One that cannot be strong-armed by any Government.

    It is entirely possible, given what we learned from Snowden and Lavabit, that the Government played very aggressive roles in controlling these companies. And now, via court rulings, regime change, etc. that may be easing.

    Zuck has also been participating in MMA/UFC and other masculine activities. This isn’t just a physical change, but is a mental change and a “circle” change. He is hanging out, regularly, with a much different crowd than the typical Tech Bros or Government sycophants.

    Doesn’t mean this is lasting. The wind could change direction again. Pressure could be re-applied. Emotional events and responses can and will occur.

  • Joann Feather

    January 9, 2025 at 10:40 am EST

    It was criminal what he did. But he was bought by someone to do it. I don’t think any of the players in the past 4 years will really ever be brought to justice. We just have to be vigilant and not comply and always try to educate others. Even when you think they are not listening, the seed has been planted.

    • IMA-HelenT

      January 9, 2025 at 12:54 pm EST

      I agree this will be something people will look back on in the future with disbelief.

  • angela-morton

    January 9, 2025 at 11:28 am EST

    I couldn’t say it better than one of my favorite doctors, Let’s Talk Shit, @sabinehazanMD. “NO, I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR APOLOGY. Words are lame.” Please see her full response on X.

  • discvrhealth

    January 9, 2025 at 11:41 am EST

    As a grandmother, I know it is VERY important to teach grandchildren (didn’t know this as clearly when I was a mother) what “I’m sorry” really means. Children just say the words all the time because it gets the parent, teacher, adult off their back. I tell my grandchildren that an apology must be sincere because those words also mean “I intend to not repeat this same mistake”.

    If we had taught children what it means to say “I’m sorry” and really mean it we would be able to accept an apology from Mr. Zuck easily and with confidence. Unfortunately, I don’t see evidence he had the proper upbringing so I won’t be accepting his apology until he states clearly what he did wrong and that he intends to NEVER repeat his mistake.

    • IMA-HelenT

      January 9, 2025 at 12:55 pm EST

      Great words of wisdom from a granny. I think this would have to be an apology that had actions, not just words.

  • Stephen Earle

    January 9, 2025 at 1:00 pm EST

    Apologies mean nothing from people like that.

    If we had any real governments left with any real laws left they would have been fined humongous amounts of money for the crimes and censorship that they committed. Sadly our so-called democracy is deeply corrupted.

    These people might change their mask but it means nothing they will just do the same thing but differently.

  • vegandan

    January 9, 2025 at 1:51 pm EST

    I am convinced that behavior is the best indication of a person’s character. What you do is far more indicative of your core values than what you say. Words have little meaning until they are backed up by action. Character is akin to reading an A1C value. It is a long term assessment of what you accumulate over a period of time. Unless I see a fundamental change in direction and values with tangible evidence of a more or less permanent nature to the changes, I am reluctant to believe that anything will be different in the long run and that this could just be a delaying tactic until a different environment is encountered.

    Human nature doesn’t change much unless there is something that can unite people to seek alternatives that are more beneficial to their personal lives. AI has the potential to be a major game changer in the lives of every human on the planet. As we move away from a manufacturing of products society to a supplier of services society, what will be the worth of people to trade for goods and services. I foresee a society that is made up of substantially three classes of people. Investors who have capital will be the wealthy elite. Workers will be the middle class who have skills that have value to society. And everyone else who have no capital or any skills to contribute to society will be the poor underclass. We can already see the divide in the world and AI will assist in the further erosion of what is the worth of the individual human being to the collective. China is a prime example of the class distinction that we are destined to follow if we don’t challenge their vision for the future of humanity.

    Zuckerberg and others are just the newest version of how a few influential people can control the destiny of society. It is up to all of us to challenge the status quo and change the direction that is most beneficial to the majority who would embrace a free and open social order.

    • IMA-GregT

      January 10, 2025 at 12:30 pm EST

      It is absolutely up to all of us to challenge the status quo. Completely agree. It’s a survival skill.

  • mrko

    January 9, 2025 at 4:46 pm EST

    Facebook will face a lot of litigation over the censorship and whatever evil they’ve done. They will pay for it if they can afford. On the other hand, the good change always welcomed. Don’t care about what they say but see what they do.

  • robinluxor

    January 9, 2025 at 7:19 pm EST

    I have read through the replies here and while I agree with most, if not all, I think we are missing the point. Aside from apologies (not accepted without proof of change), we need to remember what Social Media actually is – it’s a place to share OPINIONS not necessarily ‘facts’ (therefore why do we need fact checkers?). If people read information on FB (or X, or any other platform) and take it as ‘gospel’ or ‘fact’ then you cannot help them. As others have mentioned, you have to dig deep to find websites like FLCCC.org, YouTube videos like Dr Been and Dr John Campbell, all people who speak ‘fact’ (and sometimes an opinion or two thrown in). If you read something on Social Media, please do not believe it straight away, even if it was posted by your BFF who is highly intelligent, well educated and doesn’t post ‘crap’. Check it out for yourself! Find a reliable source. I don’t read ‘news’ anymore to get my facts – I go to the source, if possible. Let Social Media be a ‘free for all’ to post what they like, ridiculous or otherwise. If anyone thinks we are being ‘protected’ by having ‘fact checkers’ and censorship, they are sadly misguided. Algorithms, fact-checking and censorship are what is forming many peoples’ opinions thanks to social media!

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