Looking for physicians

  • Looking for physicians

    Posted by carlicoppola on February 9, 2024 at 1:29 pm EST

    Hello, I am moving to the Dallas – Fort Worth area and was wondering if anyone knows of good cardiologist and gynecologist/OBGYN physicians? Desperately looking for good physicians I can actually trust. I do not want physicians that are by the book/pushing medications on me or forcing vaccines.

    carlicoppola replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • renewedvitality

    February 11, 2024 at 5:05 pm EST

    I have lived in Dallas, for 35 years. I have found that standard of care Dr’s. (insurance controlled)… are not my kind of Dr. I moved away from standard of care insurance driven medical care care 30 years ago. That said.. i have a great gyno in Plano. (Dr. Katheryn Woods) .She follows the FLCCC protocols, and was the ONLY Dr. on my team of Dr’s. in 2020, that would write me prescriptions for Ivermectin. Honestly, i was quite shocked that none of my other Dr’s. would write it. Since then… I have discovered Dr. Peter McCollough, who practices in McKinney part time, and travels the world to educate folks on this covid plandemic fiacso. He is a cardiologist, and internists. He spends a lot of his time writing papers/research. The clinic he practices at is called McKinney Medical.Center. warning: Neither of these Dr’s take insurance..

    AND,, they are expensive. I never get out of Dr Woods office for less than $500.. Dr. McCollough charges around $900 for new patient appts. Plus you have to pay an annual administration fee to the clinic just to be a patient there. Again.. not cheap. When i fist became a patient of Dr. McCollough’s.. he was still working at Balyor Heart Place downtown and, he took insurance. . But December 2022, he was fired for speaking out about the jab damages that he was and is seeing in his practice. Hence why he connected with the Dr. at McKinney medical center. I heard the Dr. that runs McKinney medical center, was one of only a few docs in the metroplex, that has been writing prescriptions for ivermectin from the beginning.

    welcome to Dallas.

    • carlicoppola

      February 12, 2024 at 9:14 am EST

      Thank you! I figured Peter was going to be expensive… I appreciate your help!

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