ImmTrac consent

  • ImmTrac consent

    Posted by AmyG on February 11, 2024 at 5:37 pm EST

    My husband has a new patient appointment with a GI doctor tomorrow. Ours quit to go work for Eli Lilly (go figure). His new patient paperwork includes consent for ImmTrac, the immunization (tracking) registry. No place to decline, only to consent. The reminders for e-check in just say new patient paperwork incomplete because the ImmTrac consent isn’t signed. It’s amazing how times have changed when patients had the right to refuse treatment, consent to registries, etc without blackmail being used.

    truthseeker replied 1 year ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • lfrd

    February 11, 2024 at 5:56 pm EST

    Is the appointment for just a check-up or something serious that needs fast attention? If it is just for nothing serious, I would find a different doctor, not whomever is taking on your old doctors patients. Besides “birds of a feather” is where my mind goes to, considering your old doctor left to go work for the other side, you may want to rethink anybody who partners with this guy.

    Did you review the document? Does it just give them permission to see if he is immunized or consent to immunize?

    It would not hurt to call this office and ask how to decline from this immunization consent.

    Never hurts for them to get push back. Now is the time for all to start to be vocal and take that stand.

    • fainz

      February 11, 2024 at 6:11 pm EST

      I would definitely call them. Find out more about what it means and tell them you do not consent to any immunizations without more information about them. And yes – look for another doctor if possible.

  • truthseeker

    February 11, 2024 at 10:11 pm EST

    Do they offer actual paper forms to complete? If so, I would only complete the registration on those and mark up anything you do not agree with. I was caregiver for my mom and now for my dad. (And myself, as well, obviously). I read the documents and decline anything I disagree with or don’t understand.

    Also, will you be denied the appointment if you do not complete the paperwork prior to the appointment?

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