Is the moderator email working

  • Is the moderator email working

    Posted by Mlee on April 2, 2024 at 3:36 am EDT

    Hello. I just sent an email to [email protected] but it came back saying it couldn’t be sent to one or more recipients. I am requesting a new group and offering to be a moderator. Did you receive it?

    Thank you

    Merrilee Baker

    Mlee replied 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • ima-eric

    April 2, 2024 at 7:00 pm EDT

    That email is currently having issues because of the activity load of our communities. So it is temporarily down, but will be back up and running tomorrow.

    Can you tell us about this group you are wanting?

    • Mlee

      April 3, 2024 at 9:12 am EDT

      Hi Eric

      I have joined two groups – Holistic healers and Public forum and wonder if there can either be a search button to look for previous threads on the same topic (public forum) or a new group for both or a combination of shedding and possible hypothesis/case histories.

      I have heard Dr Kory and Scott Marsland talk about the case studies they collected and I wondered if there is somewhere that people who think this might be contributing to their illness can report their cases. However, beyond that it would be great for people who have investigated possible contributing factors or aetiology. There are many answers amongst the information. For example I had this question – is it important to have a level of spike antibody or is a negative/positive result helpful to tell if shedding is occurring in someone? (There is a private Lab in Australia that does it but not the levels.) Is getting the nucleocapsid Ig antibody necessary? I just heard that if the nucleocapsid is positive it means it was the virus, if not and only the spike then it is likely the injection (& maybe shedding). On Dr Saleeby’s slide – “… without evidence of M-protein & E-protein antibodies (from the viral capsule/membrane).” Great to share this sort of info.

      Me – I live in Western Australia and I am a non-working Registered Nurse, carer for my 94 year old mother and open to considering being a moderator. I have moderated several platforms previously and enjoy helping people. I enjoy searching for research and articles but my career was more community & child wellness focussed, with some private practice in several alternative modalities. I have thought of studying/networking with the nurses aligned with FLCCC. It would be great to be able to draw attention to some issues raised in the group to someone more knowledgable than myself to make it a really useful group.

      Thank you

      • ima-eric

        April 3, 2024 at 2:09 pm EDT

        We do have a global search where you can find other groups and previous threads on various topics. Some of these topics you mentioned will likely be behind the Pro membership and won’t come up in a search, but those items you brought up would be well suited to the Pro forums that are more private and medical focused.

        As for moderators, we always welcome members of the community in helping us grow and manage this community.

        We actually don’t have a lot of spam/scam, which is very nice, so there isn’t as much to report, but that is often the first line of defense.

        The other big help is just adding content, replying to other members, answering questions, and generally just helping the community back.

  • Mlee

    April 6, 2024 at 9:03 am EDT

    Thanks Eric. I spent a few hours following some threads found by using the search. I will see how often I can log in and contribute as a member first.

    Kind regards


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