What do you call COVID “Vaccine Injury” and how do you explain it?

  • What do you call COVID “Vaccine Injury” and how do you explain it?

    Posted by Ryan on February 18, 2024 at 9:22 pm EST

    Hey everyone, glad to see the FLCCC Forums gaining steam!

    I have a question for all of you: What would you call COVID vaccine injury and how would you explain it to people?

    I have my go-to arguments and I try them out on people “in the wild”, but what I noticed is that these arguments only work if people are open to new ideas generally. If they are open, the conversation usually becomes long and enjoyable. If they are not open, it usually ends quickly.

    As much as I love talking to people and having enjoyable convos, I think I want to be in the business of persuading people first and foremost. To that end, I wonder how much the terms we use matter? For example, just saying the word “vaccine” can ruffle feathers.

    Anyway, I wrote this article about Long Vax Symptoms: https://imahealth.org/long-vax-syndrome-symptoms/ and while researching the topic, I found that there are a lot of different terms:

    1. Long Vax Syndrome (or just Long Vax)

    2. COVID Vaccine-Induced Syndrome

    3. COVID Post-Vaccination Syndrome

    4. Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (PASC-V)

    5. Vaccine Adverse Events

    6. Vaccine Injury

    I chose Long Vax because I think that term seems to connect to “Long COVID”, and that works out well because both syndromes share a very similar set of symptoms. And if either term gains awareness, by association, the other will increase too.

    Ryan replied 1 year ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • craigsjoberg

    February 18, 2024 at 10:59 pm EST

    RYAN , VERY NICELY assembled for the Long Vax and Long Covid problems that are VERY REAL. I Know.

    Can your good Drs Kory or Marik tell me about taking Nattokinase/Lumbrokinase with Eliquis.? (? Possible too much bleed or aneurism chance with taking both?)

    Will Nattokinase or Lumrbokinase do a BETTER JOB of truly eradicating a FOOT LONG Clot in my Femoral Vein??

    Dr. Craig Sjoberg (208) 963-1617

    • Ryan

      February 21, 2024 at 1:50 am EST

      Hey Dr. S, glad you liked the article! No doubt these symptoms are real, I suspect that many more people have either Long COVID or Long Vax (or some other CFS-like illness).

      I’m not sure what the good Drs Kory and Marik would say, but I can tell you that I myself am taking nattokinaise. In my research, I have been under the impression that both nattokinaise and lumbrokinaise work to potentially break down spike protein built up in the body. Are you signed up for our weekly webinar? https://imahealth.org/category/weekly-webinars/

      There’s a strong chance the topic of Long Vax will be discussed this week (tomorrow)! And we encourage live questions and answer as many as we can during the webinar, plus we’ll continue the discussion right here in the Forums.

      As I’m sure you’ve read, nattokinaise can thin the blood and potentially dislodge clots. Though I’m not sure which one would work better… you got me curious and I found this sober and thorough comparison of the two: https://pharmd.substack.com/p/frequency-asked-questions-nattokinase

  • ima-eric

    February 19, 2024 at 10:34 am EST

    I have family who don’t recognize any vaccine injury they have, so to get them help I have to stick with “Long COVID” and tell them the issue is spike proteins, which happens with COVID or the vaccine, so it’s “the same treatment either way”.

    • debbie

      February 20, 2024 at 9:47 pm EST

      I find too that meeting family and friends where they are in their awareness of what they are experiencing or what is driving their complaints can lead to curiosity or readiness to look up a study or hear a different point of view. Some people sadly, will never raise their awareness.

      • Ryan

        February 21, 2024 at 1:25 am EST

        This is good advice Eric and Debbie. I’ve had less success talking about these topics with my own family than I have had with complete strangers! But Eric that is an obvious idea… incredibly obvious considering how much time I’ve spent with the subject matter 🙂 I guess if the goal is to get treatment going, then this method could work now that Long COVID is an “accepted illness”.

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