Viral induced Asthma and Ivermectin

  • Viral induced Asthma and Ivermectin

    Posted by Vincent Joyce on October 22, 2024 at 6:09 pm EDT

    I am aware of a small study done in Japan on Viral induced asthma and prophylactic treatment with ivermectin to stop severe presentation. I am curious if anyone out there has experience with this approach either clinically or personally?

    Vincent Joyce replied 2 weeks, 2 days ago 5 Members · 28 Replies
  • 28 Replies
  • IMA-GregT

    October 23, 2024 at 10:34 am EDT

    Hi there, thanks for your question. Could you link to the study, please? If you can’t no probs. Asking so that I could pass that question on to my colleagues, and hopefully get you a helpful reply. Cheers Greg

  • Vincent Joyce

    October 23, 2024 at 10:51 am EDT

    Anti-inflammatory effects of ivermectin in mouse model of allergic asthma | Inflammation Research (

    Thank you for your interest!

  • IMA-GregT

    October 23, 2024 at 9:27 pm EDT

    Ah, I had found this one – It’s the same one as yours. One of my doctor colleagues has responded, noting she doesn’t have any experience with using IVM in this scenario. I’ll keep asking, and come back to you again if I hear something.

    • Vincent Joyce

      October 24, 2024 at 4:47 pm EDT

      Thanks brother,

      I believe it could be a rather smart approach for the niche group of asthmatics who spiral with viral colds. Our oldest Son had incredible results when we all went meat and water for three years. It was rather drastic, but the results were astounding. We opened up his diet to gain weight in the last two years and as he has physically gotten bigger the asthma became even more manageable. He still has some issues when he gets an upper respiratory infection, but now that we don’t eat a normal American diet and other approaches, he doesn’t spiral like he would. He wrestles at a high level and plans to do so in college, so this would be something I would consider as a prophylactic during the cold and flu season if it had merit.

  • IMA-GregT

    October 25, 2024 at 6:36 am EDT

    You’re very welcome. Just to mention I’m not medically trained, so this is in no way medical advice, but my personal experience taking ivm, which I take prophylactically, is that it has cleared up a lifelong, and I’m 60, deeply irritating tickle in the back of my throat, that has always made me cough as I breathe in, so that’s pretty much gone now. That’s just my anecdote.

    Re: that diet, well, I love meat, and cook as exclusively as possible with beef fat/lard to avoid the seed oils. Again, I don’t have the training to say whether it’s good or bad, but taking control of your diet, that sounds like the sensible thing to do, and sounds like it’s working for you guys – brilliant.

    And always feel free to drop an update here about what else you’ve found that’s working for you.

    And, of course, the same goes for all of you reading. If we could build a library of things/strategies people have tried that have made themselves and their family healthier, what a win for everyone!

  • Vincent Joyce

    October 25, 2024 at 7:27 pm EDT

    What a fantastic anecdote! I will keep looking into it and let everyone know if/when we start a prophylactic run for the wrestling season.

  • IMA-GregT

    October 27, 2024 at 1:58 pm EDT

    Ah, you have me smiling, thanks for that, and of course keep up the reading – massively important.

  • Tommy Blake

    October 30, 2024 at 9:33 am EDT

    So I am male 71, been taking allergy shots since age 15 or so (same doctor office since age 18, though their name is changed- my doctor since age 18 just retired a year or so ago) and have had asthma all my life since then. I have a moderate asthma, with flareups. It is strongly made worse by foods with nitrates, VOC’s (I am a builder/remodeler, paint fumes), and during allergy season of mold from high humidity (or crawl spaces with mold, what I call poor IAQ- Indoor Air Quality), dust, pollen, etc.

    I am tremendously better now with my asthma. I take 1 allergy shot monthly I was so bad with nose dripping in my life that I carried baby diaper hanging out my pocket to work, I dripped, sneezed, stayed snuffed up, typical.

    Here is how it happened. I started on ivermectin later in 2020. I listened to 1200 person study in Peru where ivermectin worked, maybe 100% (I cannot prove that number through my efforts to validate that assertion). 800 of this doctor nurse group took ivermectin and did not get the Covid. That worked for me, to try it.

    I have been on 1 or 2 tablets weekly .2/mg/kg. The maintenance dosage. I upped this a few times during Covid exposures, prostate issue once, flu once, etc. so mostly stuck with this dosage. I had confidence with Dr Flavio’s (from Brazil) work and data logging whereby the liver numbers improved with such dosages. (My lab tests shown same improvement ongoing).

    In 2017 I had typical allergy doctor update test in my pulmonary, and I “did well” on the test- though still with my asthma. Pulmicort my go to drug when I crashed. (I have always walked, been active, been non-TV type personality, etc). But I have crashed like 6 types in my life with pneumonia- allergy season, bad flu to pneumonia- and always when I was pushing too hard- burned out.

    Fast forward 18 months ago I had my allergy doc update test again. My breathing tests were done again- where I blow into some chamber until I cannot blow any more. The nurse and doc were amazed, told me my breathing was good as in 2017 when I did well back then. I told them I noticed I do not get my many colds and crashes each year, and my asthma is seemingly disappeared.

    I told them my only changes were vitamins daily (vit C, standard vitamins but focused on FLCCC protocol vitamins) + the maintenance dose of ivermectin, .2mg/kg once or twice weekly.

    I was a fool though last year as my wife and I both stopped all vitamins and all ivermectin April 1- first time since 2020 “hey let’s take a break”. Well we both got Covid in mid-May, lengthy sickness from it, myself long covid, pneumonia in June. I took by then again the ivermectin .2mg/kg steady when I first got Covid. (I took .2mg/kg for like 10 days straight)

    My FLCCC telehealth doc said to take ivermectin, more often. I did not want to go through spike protein tests. Everything else failed. I increased the .2mg/kg to daily into last fall. I then stabilized my long Covid symptoms (lymph gland bad swell in neck, bad ache in neck with neck bones frozen, ear ache ongoing, sore throat, very low/no energy, brain fog, etc). He said it may take some time. I started improving right away but slowly. By end last year, did better so introduced stair climbing (16 ten foot minimum stair climbs daily). I would by end year take ivermectin some 4x to 5x weekly but just 1 tablet daily only.

    I now am back to robust health, walking steady (I walk in woods on hills), same 16 rep stair climbing, and all else is same. I work 40 hours weekly job, and am involved with much non-TV activities daily. I make sure not to burn out with night activities. I pay attention to nutrition (I have A1C some 6.8). I take berberine now with milk thistle. I am off Metformin for 6 months. If it is 10 pm at night, I will walk to get my step count in and stair climbs. I do this 5 to 7 days/weekly.

    I do activities ongoing to helps others- I call it helping the greater good.

    I asked my wife a few months ago (she likes TV) if she thought ill of me for walking even at night (up our steps, or outside in woods on hills with flashlight in dark). She said “No, you are taking care of yourself. I admire you for that”..

    I, knock on wood, don’t seem to have asthma flare ups any longer. I am work in process. I will see how this goes over time. It is amazing to me that I do not need Pulmicort any longer, and I just don’t have wheezing from asthma. “Is this me?”.

    I look at FLCCC Wednesday night programs mostly all of them for 3 years now. So I tweak my health ongoing- very important. I have a 4.6 aneurysm, I found it 3 years ago, it is stable thus far. I do not know how long I have. The FLCCC Alliance My Stories, the protocols, the “not giving up” from the doctors here and globally, and so on just inspire me. In return I work to give back to others. I live a meager lifestyle, but I feel blessed beyond my dreams. I have some difficult hiccups in my life/ don’t we all?

    Just 1 lx or 2x .2mg/kg weekly ivermectin. Seems my quality of life/health is well.


    • Vincent Joyce

      October 30, 2024 at 11:18 am EDT


      What a fantastic testimony. This is EXACTLY why I posted here, to find someone like you, I truly believed this was a legitimate protocol but when it is your child the stakes are higher. I say child, he’s six feet one and 190 pounds and climbing, but he will always be my little boy. I can’t thank you enough for putting your experience with asthma and ivermectin on here. You have a fantastic spirit, and I wish you well far into the future.

    • IMA-GregT

      October 30, 2024 at 1:42 pm EDT

      Ah, Tommy great reply, that’s very helpful. Thank you.

      Anyone else with a story? 😀 We’d love to hear it.

    • theornerynurse

      February 12, 2025 at 7:37 am EST

      Thank you for this excellent report confirming what many of us are seeing in practice if only “anecdotally”. Congratulations for taking good care of your own health!

  • Vincent Joyce

    November 17, 2024 at 11:34 am EST

    Perhaps it is my Irish optimism, but surely there is a physician out there that has put 2 and 2 together on this and has tried it in practice, but perhaps keeps it close to their chest for lack of evidence? Asthma is BRUTAL and especially so during cold and flu season. @FLCCC-GregT do you have a suggestion for a telemed physician you could DM me with?

  • librebase

    November 20, 2024 at 12:40 pm EST

    For a short period of time in 2021 my son was willing to take Ivermectin to prevent COVID. During that time his hay-fever symptoms disappeared.

    I observed a similar effect in my wife. For her case the hay-fever never returned, even after suspending taking Ivermectin.

    • Vincent Joyce

      November 20, 2024 at 1:18 pm EST

      That is fascinating. Especially your wife having such a long-term remission. Thank you for sharing.

  • Tommy Blake

    November 21, 2024 at 8:10 am EST

    To add to my asthma relief message earlier, above. For most of my life I have been quite allergy sickly. My baby blanket made me have allergy problems- noted by mom in my baby book (remember those?).

    So most of my life I have had a chill in the morning, and a slight amount of phlegm that I cough up. Ear aches, dripping nose, etc. In last few years since I have been taking ivermectin these issues have gone away along with the asthma.

    Looking at the chart on wall of my allergy doc I always see how fluid remains (in lungs) in many asthmatics “looks like small amount of water remaining in a small creek”. So I can tell for me that is the change. I think I had low level of infection residing most times all the way through each year- all seasons- all my life. Again, I’m 71 now.

    I am only the layperson here, so my descriptions are non-medical.

    Since I have been taking ivermectin dosage .2mg/kg 1x or 2x each week for 3+ years I cannot remember when I normalized /no asthma, no phlegm, no chills. But has become the new me in at least last 2 years. Huge quality of life change- I wish this for others- my incentive here to tell my story. My life has always been colds, flu, bronchitis, 6+ times with pneumonia. Knock on wood- I am a different person all this is how – I used to be.

    Repeating, when I visited my allergy doc a year ago- a review of my condition- no asthma, allergies through the testing disappeared (dog cat dust mold seasonal pollen) totally except for slight reaction to cat, my blowing test was very good doc was amazed and excited like a kid watching me blow so well in the chamber. The allergy doc asked what I did different. The ivermectin, some good quality general vitamins per FLCCC protocol, were the changes.

    I strongly, with passion and with my (God given) geek like mind, suspect there is a “mother of all allergy pills” with ivermectin. I suspect this is well known among the pharmaceutical scientists. I have been paying very close attention to ivermectin to myself since I started with it.

    Now how can this relate to others? I am sure FLCCC docs know much, so the long journey continues of validating the good in this medicine, for asthmatics, am I an outlier? I am a pretty normal “medical” guy, lot of allergies, I think the ivermectin benefits are holding back massive quality of life change, for chump change in cost.

    My doctor listened to my story, but “looked right through me”. Didn’t really want to hear me. This bothers me greatly. I cannot overstate how wrong this is.

    • IMA-GregT

      November 21, 2024 at 11:06 am EST

      Hi Tommy, thank you, great info.

      Again I’m not medically trained but one day I realized, after taking ivermectin as a prophylactic for the last few years, that I can now breathe deeply with no interruption, and talk whole sentences without having that irritating catchy cough in between.

      I can’t remember when I realised that I could breathe deeply and freely, but thinking about it I put it down to the ivermectin, as I don’t take anything else.

      I have cut out 95% of carbs which may impact, though if I eat carbs the tickle and cough doesn’t return.

      So thank you for your note, and here’s an ask. Would you be interested in us making a MyStory of this story? If yes, please drop us an email at [email protected] and we can take it from there.

    • Vincent Joyce

      December 9, 2024 at 7:57 am EST


      This describes my early life and exact symptoms of my oldest Son. He is SO congested in the morning and full of phlegm and that is miles better than he was when he was a little boy. I am going to a Doctor in February that has prescribed Ivermectin for a neighbor of mine so at the very least they are open to it. I want to have a conversation with them and show them the study and if anything get the ball rolling for a physician to perhaps widen their use of the drug for other asthmatics with issues during cold and flu season. Thank you very much for speaking up about your experience. Tommy do you get your Ivermectin prescribed or online?

      • Tommy Blake

        December 9, 2024 at 9:54 am EST

        I work with one of the FLCCC Alliance doctors/ Dr Haider. He is at MyGoToDoc. I and my wife, my other family members, and some friends also work with his clinic. I pay some $180 whereby I enter all my vitals, my meds and vitamins. His staff scrutinizes. I tell them I want what is best for me for my conditions but I do want the ivermectin to use ongoing and to have in hand. So I receive a proactive prescription of 2 tablets weekly for 3 months at cost of $80 for the meds. Dr Haider clinic shops for the meds and recently I work with a pharmacy in Texas, so that cost includes mailing to me. I like the supply which the Haider clinic recommends.

        When I need a refill I do “not” have to pay the $180 again. They do ask me a few questions though before the refill

        Every person is different as to their malady and needs

        As well Haider clinic recommended me take Quercetin daily, and on the days I take ivermectin it is to be taken 8 hours from the Quercetin.

        If other questions, feel free to ask.

        • IMA-GregT

          February 11, 2025 at 1:25 am EST


  • Vincent Joyce

    January 16, 2025 at 10:10 am EST

    Chemistry and Biological Activities of Ivermectin 1, Ali, Rashid, Ul Islam, Shahid –

    I am about to pull the trigger on this book, was curious if ANYONE out there has read it yet? My undergrad majors were chemistry and biology so I still geek out on this stuff, but I would think a clinician out there has had to have heard of this book.

  • Vincent Joyce

    February 7, 2025 at 8:57 am EST

    An update. Our Oldest spent the weekend at a high school wrestling tournament which he won (always more fun) and on Tuesday I noticed he was getting stuffy and congested. Had him clean his nose with a nasal rinse. Woke up Wednesday full out head cold and post nasal sore throat. This is the stage where historically if we did not intervene with prednisone he would “Lock up” and spiral into several days of being bed ridden with asthma. I decided to finally give Ivermectin a go. He took 20 mg, quite a bit of a lower dose than .4/kg for his size but I wanted to be conservative. For the first time in his life he woke up the next day with a fairly clear nose, no advancement into the chest, clear chest sounds, no wheezing or tightness, and he wanted to practice that afternoon. My wife and I, all of us actually, are gob smacked. This clearly interrupted the inflammatory storm his body normally would produce with these viral upper respiratory colds. I put him on quercetin and zinc, he hung out and did homework Thursday and is going back to practice today. Truly this is a life changing drug for him. I was very worried about his college years and dream to wrestle at the Division 1 level with such extreme asthmatic reactions to viral induced colds. You can’t avoid coming into contact with them. I think of the years of him struggling and battling with this and a simple and widely used medication from Japan was there this entire time. Incredible. As of now I do not plan to use it prophylactically as the cold season is coming down, but we will use betadine nasal spray after matches and gargles, which is what I have been using for four years now with nearly perfect results. Thank you to this website and the forum members.

    • librebase

      February 10, 2025 at 1:42 pm EST

      We have seen in our family doing very well using Lauriciden to treat bacterial infection. Ivermectin covers the viral infection.

      • Vincent Joyce

        February 12, 2025 at 10:41 am EST

        Good to know!

    • IMA-GregT

      February 11, 2025 at 1:24 am EST


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