This is why we are building a decentralized, federated system

  • xev ofy

    December 20, 2024 at 2:51 am EST

    Hi wordle unlimited

    I agree with your sharing.

  • zerochaos80

    December 20, 2024 at 8:23 pm EST

    I will say that once you’re on FB, they make it extremely difficult to leave. Picture the psycho boyfriend sealing all the exits or the psycho girlfriend trying to kill anyone you are friends with. THAT’S Facebook. I decided I wanted to get off of there a while ago, BUT then I tried to get photos and such from there. I know they don’t actually delete the info when you close your account, but that was my reason for leaving, to get my stuff off their site.

    Facebook is a petty company full of self-righteous asshats and they had NO problem censoring me with some pompous know it all’s opinion in place of my researched (sources shared!) observations about COVID. Then they started blocking my posts of Christian website’s calling it “Spam”.

    But just to make it a little clearer for people, My account says I made it 2005 (I guess during the Beta period or something since I feel like they didn’t actually “open” until 2006, although I may be wrong. Either way, in that time, I have lost my Daddy and shared images of him, gotten married, lost one of my best friends, and had my son. There are zillions of photos and videos there. Trying to get them off is not going well and since there isn’t a way to contact a person, I can’t get help. Otherwise, I would happily burn my account to ground with a few choice words that would set their eyeballs on fire.

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