The government subsidizes sickness.

  • The government subsidizes sickness.

    Posted by IMA-GregT on January 25, 2025 at 5:37 am EST

    Big Food and Big Pharma bankroll the FDA while you foot the bill with your own deteriorating health.

    Whether he gets in our not, how do you feel about this policy needing to change?

    IMA-GregT replied 3 days, 23 hours ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Kerry Harding

    January 25, 2025 at 9:09 am EST

    This absolutely needs to change… our FDA should not be funded by corporations or billionaires that are getting wealthy at the expense of our health! Praying that RFK will be confirmed as HHS secretary. He is a warrior for medical transparency and will fight for us , the people.

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 12:53 pm EST

      👍Agree, agree

  • John Kelch

    January 25, 2025 at 10:07 am EST

    Not “IF” Bobby gets in, Bobby MUST GET IN!! He is “the tip of the spear” of EVERYTHING that MUST change to make life in this country again meaningful!! IF he is not confirmed, then you have little reason to believe there will be any stopping the campaign by the globalists to dissolve the US and life on this planet! Yes, the power and money behind the opposition is IMMENSE; in addition to the money and influence WITHIN the food/pharma/medical cartel, which s vast, THIS “tool” is the main WEAPON the zombie globalist billionaire cult intends to use against the masses (IS ALREADY USING!) to depopulate the planet. I have been watching and studying the evolution of this agenda since the late ’60’s, when David Rockefeller’s “Club of Rome” concluded the growing population, like a horde of locusts, would eventually outstrip the available resources even for the wealthiest elite, and began planning (and ACTING!) to do something about it. (If you think that “Covid” was the beginning, you’d be mistaken ,”chemtrails” genesis has been traced to a meeting in ’94, underway right over and raining down chemicals on our heads since shortly thereafter, ‘out of sight’ because, like deer, we humans – beyond a glance – don’t study the sky, and “yes”, Gates was involved in that meeting. as well!). This agenda IS what is behind virtually evey major event since at least 1980, is what is behind what we are experiencing, and there are numerous books now by noted historians documenting the evidence and chain of events.

    Having spent part of my career there, I can tell you that our State Houses and Congress have evolved into simply ‘brothels’ where pimps (“lobbyists”) and prostitutes (“representatives”) buy and sell our lives (if they aren’t such when they arrive, the ‘system’ quickly forces their compliance in order to stay!). In addition to the ‘carrots’ (“contributions”), as Erik Prince reported to Tucker Carlson in a recent interview, as ‘stick’ the globalist elites have threatened their very lives if they don’t go along. If Bobby goes down, that power will be in full evidence and an indication of the likely failure of every other initiative to win-back our freedoms and very existence. They thus now “own” virtually the entire Democrat Party and a portion of Republicans; our futures and those of our progeny pivots on this all-telling moment in history as to whether our God-given freedoms can prevail.

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 12:56 pm EST

      👍Ah, you have me smiling. Great observations.

  • Dominic costabile

    January 25, 2025 at 11:00 am EST

    Thank you for the SPOT ON description of our current state of the governmental houses. RFK’s book about the real Anthony Fauci out to be required reading, he beautifully documents what you elegantly state. I pray he will help bring light to this scourge the food/pharma/health cartel.

    Dom Costabile DO FAAFP RMSK IFMCP dipACLM

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 12:56 pm EST


  • Kathy Kopp

    January 25, 2025 at 11:38 am EST

    RFK, Jr. must be approved by all responsible parties. Contact your legislators TODAY and help them understand that your vote is contingent upon their support of RFK, Jr.

    Find and contact elected officials | USAGov

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 12:56 pm EST


  • judy-j

    January 25, 2025 at 5:09 pm EST

    Particularly call your senators if you are a constituent in states with Rino’s like Alaska with Murkowski, Maine with Susan Collins and Kentucky with Mitch McConnell because we know how they will vote. Anyone can call but you would have a little more clout if you are a voter in their state.

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 12:57 pm EST

      👍 So important!

  • jrenna619

    January 25, 2025 at 6:48 pm EST

    I had worked in big pharma for 20yrs as a Sr MSL for various companies in psychiatry & neurology. Regarding the recommended vaccine schedule, once pharma was granted indemnity from damage in the early 1990s, we started to see trends especially in certain disorders eg autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, asthma, GI problems, allergies etc. In the 1970s, autism was at a rate of ~1 in 10,000, then in the early 2000s, it was ~1 in 1000. Now from what I have seen, the rate in 1 in 36 children in US. Blame was put on thiomersal in the early 2000s but then most of the shots removed it except for influenza vaccine and believe 1 or 2 other vaccines. But rates continued to skyrocket. I am not sure why a newborn needs a hepatitis B shot at birth and multiple shots are administered to children during a visit to the pediatrician. If there is an adverse reaction, how does the HCP know which shot caused it. VitK is also given at birth but understand there is a black box warning in the PI. The food pyramid tells me that eggs, milk, cheese and meat are bad (at the top) but cereal is excellent (eg Frosted Flakes, Fruity Pebbles, etc) Food dyes probably contribute to the behavioral issues we are seeing in some children as well. Many are banned in Europe. Need to take a review of why all these vaccines are needed in children & the medical problems they are causing years later.

    • IMA-GregT

      January 26, 2025 at 1:04 pm EST

      👍 I dunno, apparently, it’s beyond question eggs, milk, cheese & meat are definitely bad, and killing the earth somehow. 😉 I hope whether RFK jnr gets in or not, there’s going to be a massive change in food policy. (I’m hoping he gets in, of course).

      Great reply. Thank you.

  • IMA-GregT

    January 27, 2025 at 5:04 am EST

    Nearly there?? Have you gotten in touch with your representative?

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