Spike protein testing

  • Spike protein testing

    Posted by Stephen White on December 8, 2024 at 11:30 am EST

    Are there any tests available to determine if spike proteins are present in my body and able to determine whether they came from a vaccine or from natural COVID? I am unvaccinated but am worried about spike protein shedding within the VA medical system. I intentionally exposed myself to and contracted COVID in the last quarter of 2023.

    Cindi Anderson replied 2 months, 1 week ago 12 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • altabob

    December 8, 2024 at 12:38 pm EST

    I’m a patient with Dr. Pierre Kory and Scott Marsland’s leading edge clinic. It looks like there is an experimental test in development that is starting to trial. So far they use the spike antibody test as a means of telling about the spike levels. You only will have a high level of spike antibodies when you have a high spike level.

    Suggest reading both Pierre’s and Scott’s substacks to follow what is happening in regards to the direct spike test.


      December 8, 2024 at 1:07 pm EST

      Good to know, thanks:)

  • rcpmd

    December 8, 2024 at 1:15 pm EST

    You might check out the FLCCC presentation at https://imahealth.org/can-you-test-for-spike-protein-in-the-body/ to get a perspective of the issue in early 2024. Most assays of proteins are currently antibody-based assays, which would not differentiate vaccine-generated vs. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

    My personal perspective … as a physician who never vaccinated … is that everyone should assume they have been exposed and may continue to be exposed … to some form of shedding, thereby making it impossible to insulate oneself from viral exposure. There is no fool-proof mmune protection available … to my knowledge. In case you have not read it, Dr. Kory’s and Scott Marsland’s presentation on shedding is very enlightening. Fortunately your likely natural immunity will protect you from the current less virulent forms of SARS-CoV2, but if you happen to be exposed to a high inoculum of presumed SARS-CoV-2 that worries you, you might consider prophylaxis against respiratory spread with intranasal spray of betadine or dilute H2O2, both of which seem to afford some level of protection against air-borne transmission.

    Physicians who treat large numbers of COVID vax-injured patients may well have personal experience that would be helpful. There are ongoing efforts to produce specific assays that address your question that might differentiate SARS-CoV-2 from COVID vax-generated spike proteins that would revolutionize our understanding of the COVID pandemic and current treatments for post-vax injuries.

    Richard Phillips, MD

    • IMA-GregT

      December 8, 2024 at 1:23 pm EST

      Thanks Dr. Phillips, very helpful response.

  • Cindi Anderson

    December 8, 2024 at 2:38 pm EST

    I’m still interested in testing. I got turbo cancer after the vax, and also have a primary immune deficiency. I am approaching 3 years post-surgery, which I’ve been told is as long as they hold tumors. I keep hearing they are testing tumors for spike protein and SV40, but can’t find out how to do it. If anybody knows can you please let me know?

  • Dr.Colleen Galvin

    December 8, 2024 at 2:49 pm EST

    There are, but after so long, I would recommend investing in the spike protein therapy: nattokinase, bromalain, nicotine, perhaps Methyene Blue, LDN, depending on your ongoing symptoms. The testing after time is not necessarily definitive. Also, immune dis-regulation regardless of the initial insult makes us more vulnerable to viruses (endogenous such as EBV HSV) and external insults/pathogens such as mold/fungus etc. A deeper dive is always the best approach.

  • Robert Champagne

    December 8, 2024 at 5:13 pm EST


    I’m just a laymen, but a layman that can and has read many white papers on various aspects of Faux-Vid.

    Firstly, the ‘Rona virus was manufactured (University of North Carolina A &T) borrowing from nature. All virus’s use the same mechanism to infiltrate our cells, that mechanism being the Spike Protein. Fortunately for us, the genius’s that manufactured the various ineffective, and in many cases, more harmful ‘vaccines’ for Covid, used the Spike Protein too, as their delivery mechanism. That’s great for you and I, and I’ll explain (to the best of my ability) why that is so, in the coming paragraph’s.

    I have consistently been looked at sideways when I have proposed a solution to this man made, man-enforced epidemic. Please allow me to provide context, to better follow the progression of my journey for the “truth” on this subject.

    Firstly, I’m unapologetically a Christian. It’s important to establish this (in my humble opinion), because I’ve only come across One Truth in my 50 years on this Earth … and that is Christ. Christ is Truth, His Word (Red lettered text in the Bible) is Truth, and the divinely inspired Word, what we call the Bible, is the only 100% truth. Not because I say so, but because God says so. God’s litmus is (paraphrasing), if any portion of the Bible is found to be not True, God tells us that we ought to throw away the entire book. That’s strong. One last thing is that throughout the Bible, it encourages us to come to Him “like a child.” This is important because it’s confirmation that thing’s of God are simple, not exceedingly complicated. Anything not of God, is of the enemy.

    In 2020, when the world changed forever, every media outlet had scary maps of the world, with all the prevalent break-out areas across the globe. The was Wuhon, Italy, Iran, Australia, all of the America’s (in specific regions), all with exponential cases being documented daily. What stood out to me was that the main continent that should have been the most susceptible to Faux-vid, didn’t have any cases reported. That continent being Africa. Africa is by and large, a giant third world country, yet they had no outbreaks at the onset???

    About six to nine months after it began, a study came out of South America (Brazil I think) that reported “remarkable” results in being effective against Faux-Vid. I had to research what “remarkable” meant in medical journals, because as more studies came to the forefront, all of them (minus the United States) reported “remarkable” outcomes.

    In those initial clinical trials, the test subjects all were known to have the “Vid,” were on vent’s in ICU, and were diagnosed as “terminal.” Only the absolute worst patient cases were part of the initial clinical trials utilizing Ivermectin to treat Covid.

    “Remarkable” results was defined as 67% of those terminal patients administered the standard protocol (5 day regiment of Ivermectin, dosage determined by the 70 year long-standing formula of milligram’s/per lb) were taken off vent, either discharged entirely and/or were stepped down to a regular patient room within 48 – 72 hours of administering.

    Turns out, ivermectin isn’t just a cure, but also a prophylactic against Covid. Remember the continent of Africa? Ivermectin is widely used to treat many of the diseases prevalent in those countries. That led to African’s largely not having a Covid infected populace (Ivermectin’s prophylactic properties prevented Covid from infecting their most vulnerable).

    Ivermectin is not an anti-viral drug. However, it too uses the spike protein to infiltrate our cells. 👍 Upon taking Ivermectin, it utilizes the spike protein to infiltrate our cells, but then it lays dormant. Only when it recognizes other ‘spike’ protein pirate virus’s compromising a healthy cell, it kicks into action. It allows the virus to infiltrate, but when the virus corrupts our healthy cell and replicates, Ivermectin corrupts the “cell division” instructions in the RNA, so that when the infected cell divides, key components of the cell are left out. Essentially, without all the proper components of the cell, the cell cannot sustain itself and parishes.

    The remarkable thing is that ‘after the fact,’ of many accepting the Vaccine, apprehension was its own epidemic as time progressed because the vaccine seemed to be ineffective and was highly rumored to be possibly more deadly than the virus, itself. Questioning its effectiveness became grounds for social platforms ‘cancelling’ citizen’s.

    God had it covered. I thought it was too good to be true at first, but as I dug, it all matched up. Since the vaccine used spike proteins to infiltrate our cells, Ivermectin is not only effective against Faux-Vid, but is also effective at helping the body rid itself of the ‘Rona mRNA vaccines!

    So, should anyone have concerns about the Faux-Vid mRNA vaccines polluting their body, you can take Ivermectin to rid your body of them.

    My apologies for being so long-winded, but there was a ton to cover, and I still left a bunch out. Don’t trust my word, investigate yourself (I will suggest using non-mainstream search engines though, Google has filtered out all the literature I was initially able to find).

    Oh, a side note. In follow-up trials, it’s been reported that Ivermectin is effective against “all known virus’s.” In the follow-up studies, patients across the world in completely foreign circumstances, began reporting anomalous pre-existing conditions being no longer active in patients. When the research community started comparing notes, there was a common thread … all the conditions reported by patients to not exist anymore were all virus’s! Remember how all virus’s utilize the spike protein to corrupt healthy cells … it turns out that Ivermectin kicks into gear regardless of what “type” of spike protein is used to infiltrate healthy cells.

    Amazing … God is great.

    Again, I’m just a layman. I can read though (yay me!). Do your own research. Ask God for the Truth, no matter the cost, and He will reveal pathways for you to find it. All glory to God!

    God bless!

  • trm

    December 8, 2024 at 5:20 pm EST

    Dr Pelech up in BC, Canada has a company that has tested for those very items for evidence that was used in court in Alberta for the Sheila Lewis case to prove that she had natural immunity to both the original and Omicron.


  • Brooke Winings

    December 9, 2024 at 12:03 am EST

    Yes, my Dr did a SARS-CoV-2 Total AB S Protein test that showed anything 0.8 and under is negative. I am 14,761 for some odd reason. She said it’s due to shedding from the vaccinated and that she’s seeing it with lots of her vaccinated patients but not unvaccinated. She has me on a Ivermectin pill, nicotine patch(I added this and she agreed), and enzymes. I’ve never had the covid vaccine but I tested positive for covid 3 times. I still do not understand the shedding theory and why it has it happened to me and not my husband? My Dr. is concerned because my blood looks thick due to certain blood tests she took(Sorry I cannot remember which ones right now), my Ddimer was normal. My main concern is brain fog. I am 51 and it’s pretty scary what it’s done to my memory. I am doing what I am told for 3 months in hopes the spike proteins go down.

    • rcpmd

      December 9, 2024 at 3:37 pm EST

      While you may already be on these supplements, you didn’t mention Curcumin ( 500mg or more, twice daily orally vs. liposomal or combo of curcumin with piperine vs. other highly absorbed form of curcumin), nattokinase (2,000 units twice daily), or Bromelain … (at least 500 mg daily) as part of your doctor-prescribed therapy. Nattokinase is a thrombolytic … i.e., clot dissolving … and proteolytic enzyme, Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme, and curcumin has been shown to have anti-coagulant and fibrinolytic … i.e., fibrin dissolving … properties, in addition to being a powerful anti-inflammatory / anti-oxidant supplement. Anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties are thought to be important component supplements included in FLCCC protocols and protocols used by other groups in the treatment of brain fog and other long vax / long haul COVID syndromes.

      There are likely other alternatives … e.g. lumbrokinase … that work well, but there is a dearth of evidence-based literature that suggests what is most effective enzyme therapy. Indeed some health providers have added low dose naltrexone (LDN), low dose methylene blue (LDMB) and other supplements that address mitochondrial optimization, colchicine, and other anti-inflammatory agents, but I am not aware of any published results or any medical practitioner consensus as to how they work as therapeutic agents. At this point in time, most evidence of effectiveness is provided by anecdotal reports with no established guidance for healthcare providers.

      They key message is that this general approach has had some success in treating brain fog. However, it’s not my intent to question the therapeutic plan that you and your doctor have adopted. I am aware that practitioners have achieved some positive / successful results from these core supplements, often coupled with other FLCCC I-Recover treatments. Ultimately, the state of the art in treating post-COVID and post-COVID-vax brain fog is that there is no single defined evidence-based therapy. It appears you are on the right therapeutic track based upon my personal understanding of your problem and based upon current versions of FLCCC I-Recover Protocol treatments (https://imahealth.org/treatment-protocols/).

      Richard Phillips MD MPH

  • d_harter

    December 9, 2024 at 10:23 am EST

    I came across this while web surfing recently.


  • ReneeCRNA

    January 1, 2025 at 8:56 pm EST

    If you are in the USA, I know of two labs that offer the quantitative spike protein test. Last yr the cost in the midwest was about $43.

    1) LabCorp: Sars CoV2 semi-quant total; test # 164090

    2) Quest: Sars Covid 2 Antibody; test # 34499

    I believe you need a Rx for them, but there are some independent Labs around that do not require a provider’s order. The one I’m familiar, cost for the test is around $85.

    • Cindi Anderson

      January 2, 2025 at 10:56 am EST

      Thanks. Antibody tests are not useful for me because I have an immune deficiency and don’t make a lot of antibodies, so I do immunoglobulin infusions them from other people’s blood. Thus I have a new batch of circulating antibodies every week.

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