Dr. Marik talks Intermittent Fasting with The National Desk

  • dneilflccc-net

    January 16, 2024 at 1:28 pm EST

    Let’s hear it for (Local/Syndicated) Over-the-Air broadcast television!

  • Nancer

    January 16, 2024 at 2:44 pm EST

    I don’t know about Long-Covid but intermittent fasting sure does give you a healthier relationship with food! I disconnected myself from the “three squares a day” about a year and a half ago and will never go back. The four hour window between 2pm and 6pm is when I eat one normal meal and maybe snack on hard cheese and nuts. Once acclimated, you learn that true “hunger” is mostly in your head, not your belly.

    Cheers to Autophagy!

    • ima-eric

      January 16, 2024 at 3:16 pm EST

      The big thing IF solved for me was the late night snacking and drinking my calories. Had cravings for a while, but eventually, I stopped even thinking about snacks and drinks (alcohol or sodas).

    • Karen_flccc

      January 16, 2024 at 3:49 pm EST

      I do great with the long fast — usually don’t eat till 1PM or so. Never hungry before I have my first meal. My challenge is still stopping eating once I’ve started. That time between 1PM and 7PM when I stop eating, I just want to snack and definately can’t limit to just 1 meal. Impressed you’ve been able to Nancer!

  • Sadie

    January 16, 2024 at 8:03 pm EST

    I am terrible with the long fast. My fasting window is between 7 pm and 8, 8:30 a.m.

    • Karen_flccc

      January 17, 2024 at 10:45 am EST

      I found I had to gradually increase the fasting time – I’d push it out 30 minutes for a week or two, then the next 30 minutes. You might want to try coffee with some butter in it when you first want to eat. It won’t technically break the fast since it’s just fat and there will be no blood sugar rise. For a lot of people that really helps them extend their fast. Key to butter in your coffee is to blend it completely — I use a Bullet or immersion blender. Love my coffee with butter!

      • ima-eric

        January 17, 2024 at 11:21 am EST

        Coffee with butter is such a great idea. I just do it black, which is fine, and still helps hold off the hunger noise. But + butter is brilliant.

        And I 2nd the slowly shrinking your windows. Start with the widest “eat” window, then slowly narrow it down as you observe and adjust your behavior over time.

  • Karen_flccc

    January 18, 2024 at 10:06 am EST

    Great discussion on intermittent fasting last night on the FLCCC!

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