Air Purifiers
We have been using a home air purifier from EcoQuest that “is the technology that has received the NASA status and is used to clean and regenerate the air on the US space shuttles”. It uses 5 different technologies, one of which is ozone. We thought we were satisfied with it’s performance until recently when someone shared how irritating ozone can be to the lungs, even in small amounts. I don’t know what to think. Would the NASA scientists subject our astronauts to unsafe levels of ozone? I have Long COVID, and I’m concerned that the purifier we are using may be the reason my chest is so tight and I’m so short of breath. Does anyone have any insight or recommendations on this subject?
Also, I met a woman at the FLCCC Conference in Phoenix who had researched air purifiers and told me of one that she had decided was the best. I wish I had written down her name and the name of the purifier, so I could do my own research. We met in the room where they were selling t-shirts. If you know who you are and you read this, could you share which air purifier you recommended and why? Does anyone else have insight on ozone air purifiers or an air purifier recommendation?
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