New to Forum; Pregnancy Question
Hi All – new to the forum but have been following FLCCC long time now.
One of the things I am still curious about is pregnancy. Most mentions I have seen of it seem to focus on pregnancy immediately following the shots, how treatment or prevention protocol might be affected by pregnancy, etc. I know more info is being collected over time, but as it’s been a few years now since the “vaccines” were rolled out, I’m wondering if there’s any info for women who want to have kids but were unfortunately “vaccinated.” I’m not talking about recently or the boosters, but rather someone who had one or both of the original shots a few years ago and is worried about effects on a baby if they were to get pregnant in the next few years.
Concerns over spike protein years after for pregnancy/breastfeeding? Methods to mitigate risks (especially since intermittent fasting, some supplements, etc cannot be done during pregnancy)?
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